
Read John 1: 24-28

“Now the Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”

“I baptize with water,” John replied, “but among you stands one you do not know.  He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”

This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing.”

John is asked about why he baptizes. He has said what he is not Elijah, but Jesus would later say that he was in fact Elijah (Matthew 17:12). John clearly was his own person, as he attested to. Yet somehow he also represented Elijah.

Q: What was it about John that also fulfilled the requirement of being Elijah?

9 Replies to “Duet”

    1. Indeed! 2 Kings 2:9-11 tells about Elisha inheiriting a double portion of Elijah’s spirit so John the Baptist is actually the second occurance of Elijah’s spirit being given to a person.

  1. I know this is a day late, but I wanted to note that at traditional Jewish Passover meals, an extra plate setting is put out. The youngest family member has the “role” of asking why there’s an extra place at the table. The response is it’s there in case Elijah comes back and comes to their home.

    I guess it’s sad that their still looking for Elijah.

    1. Really interesting men.
      1.) Both dressed in clothing of animals skins vs man made cloth. Dependent on God not men.
      2.) Both preached against immorality focused on ruling class.
      3.) Both sentenced to death by immoral women they exposed.
      4.) Both experienced moment of weakened faith after God gave each a GREAT sign of approval. God vs 300 priests of BAAL, John witnessed the manifestation of the Holy Trinity.
      5.) Both were given strength and reassurance by God when their faith faltered.

      1. Anon

        Nice list! I think you have answered the question of how someone would recognize Elijah when he came back.

    2. Robster,
      That is really interesting! Still looking for Elijah to return… I wonder how they would recognize him after all of these years?

  2. Both men dressed similarly and spent time in the wilderness. Both were also very bold with the message they delivered. John the Baptist, just like Elijah, stood up to the authorities of the time and demanded that they repent. Not only did John stand up to the religious and secular leaders of his time, but he too confronted Herod (the king) like Elijah (Ahab). Also, both Elijah and John the Baptist arise on the scene at pivotal points in Israel’s history.

  3. Chris,

    You make several good points. One that I find very interesting is the timing of their arrival in history.

    As I thought about your comment here, I found myself pondering another aspect of Elijah’s life: When he was taken up into heaven, his companion, Elisha, was given a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit.

    One might say that Elisha is the real predecessor to John the Baptist because he walked in the spirit of Elisha before John did.

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