Lamb II

John 1:35-36

The next day John was there again with two of his disciples.  When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

Once again we see a peek into the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus. Jesus walks by without stopping to talk, and John cannot but help yell out who Jesus is and what he is.

Q: If you were to see Jesus walking past, what would you tell others about him?

6 Replies to “Lamb II”

  1. Hey,..look here is Jesus Christ,..The One that I have read about in the bible,…look at His hands, look at His feet. He was The One that came and died for our sins and the sin of the world,..He was buried and raised three days later. He conquered death and gave us victory in Him, we can live with Him and in Him forever, cool is that? Come on let’s go and praise and worship Him!

    1. hey John, nice job! The John in my comment is John the Baptist.

  2. John’s response was based on the knowledge he had. I will fall on my face, at His feet and worship him.
    Today, Christ makes Himself seen in the lives of those who have given themselves to Him. While on earth my task is to die to self and point to Christ by allowing Him to be seen in my life, and the lives of others who allow Him to be seen in their lives. I can point to others as they demonstrate Christ in their lives.
    The fact is we are blessed with the opportunity to be able to point to Christ every moment of every day, if we choose to.

  3. I would say “there goes someone who will change your life. No matter what it is you have faced, are facing, or will face, He is there for you.” Matthew 11: 28-29 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

    Its kind of a short answer. In my research and studying I found an article I liked about how to share Jesus with others. It talked about living your life as Jesus did. Jesus preached forgiveness and on the cross that is exactly what he did. Jesus was approachable, accepting, and actively loving. He mingled with religious leaders, sinners and sick alike. He gave them truth and he gave them grace. He wasn’t accepting of the sin, but He was accepting of the sinner, and wanted/wants to have a personal relationship with everyone.

    1. Chris,

      Good answer! I also like your comments on living as Jesus did. That is an excellent goal, but oh so challenging!

      There are a couple of things about John’s proclamation that are worth noting. One is that it is short. “Look” get’s our attention. “The Lamb of God!” Is a phrase that accurately describes Jesus, but would have also created curiosity about Him.

      As Gentiles, we are not really hip to the phrase “Lamb of God.” The Jews in Jesus’ day, however, would have drawn some information from that. To say anything was “of God” carried a certain amount of weight. For John the Baptist to say it carried even more weight because he was such a unique and powerful person.

      To call Jesus the “Lamb of God” was more of a prophetic statement than descriptive. Yes, Jesus was the Lamb of God, but why he was described that way would not become clear until after he was sacrificed at Passover for the sins of the world.

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