
John 2: 6

 “Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.”

In this story, Jesus is not being asked to provide just a bottle (or “skin”) of wine. The wine has to last for the duration of the celebration (up to four more days) and be enough for all of the people at the celebration. (Jesus, his mother and disciples, represented a sizable group, and they were just a part of the celebration crowd.) Even so, providing 120 to 180 gallons of wine would probably have been a very generous response.

Q: How does God’s generosity in providing wine for the wedding in Cana reflect his generosity in other areas of life?

8 Replies to “Generosity”

  1. His forgiveness of our sins… daily , minutely …. .. just sayin … from an All Perfect and sinless King and Father …. His generosity of sacrifice on the cross transcends down thru the generations , forward and back …. I suppose the wine 🍷 miracle was … a drop in the bucket in comparison 🙃

    1. Welcome Tom (Scott) Brady!
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! Come back often! 🙂

  2. …and he just didn’t give a lot of wine…he gave a lot of the BEST wine

  3. (In research lol) I discovered that wine is symbolic for transformation. The grapes are transformed into wine, a process that is slow and delicate, and once made cannot be reversed. Jesus took water and made it into wine supernaturally and instantly. He gave it to the wedding guests in great abundance. To me this is exactly how God’s generosity reflects in other areas of life. His grace, His wisdom, His love; all these things are given to us in abundance just like the wine. More than we can possibly drink in.

    Another thought that came to mind while praying on this question. Think about all the billions upon billions of human beings born into sin over the span of time. Think about all the sin perpetrated by those billions. Christ didn’t pay for some of those sins, or most of those sins, but all of those sins. This in itself is a generosity beyond imagination. From the smallest white lie to the most heinous crime against humanity, no one was left out.

    If I ever find myself at the end of my ability to forgive I know I can say to Jesus “there is no more wine” and he will provide in great abundance.

    1. Chris,

      You have outdone yourself today! What a marvelous summation!

      Our Lord God is truly amazing. Able to work every small detail to do good (Romans 8:28).

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