
John 2: 9-10

“They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, ‘Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.’”

After the wash water is tasted and declared to be the “best” wine, the challenge the servants have is in keeping a straight face. They know where they got the water. They know where it was stored. They could not have known that Jesus was God in the flesh. What were they to think?

Q: What would you be thinking, if you had been the servant who delivered the wash water turned into wine?

9 Replies to “Surprise!”

  1. I’d be stupid and go home and try to re-create the mircle.

    I know God is the Creator and Giver of all things, yet I try to do things on my own. Being still and knowing He is Good is a lot harder than it sounds…at least for me.

    Good morning to all. Hope you had a good weekend.

  2. I couldn’t explain it but I would have to tell everyone I knew.

  3. If I were one of the servants, I would have thought it was magic. Like a David Copperfield moment and I would have told everyone about this great magic man Jesus.

  4. Great comments!! It is fun to think about what that might have been like. Did they have any clue? Did the aroma of wine touch their nostrils before it was served? Did they let their surprise register on their face? I can only imagine!

  5. Well here goes nothing,..sure hope this Jesus knows what He is doing,..cause I sure don’t, wash water to the master is not a good idea, did I get picked for this? Gee,..thanks Jesus,..

  6. First a thought: what a wonderful lesson. Water, that was once created by God as pure and drinkable, tainted by the works of man (used for washing), is then again made acceptable by the Son of God. Not just drinkable, but better than it was. Man, once made pure by God, tainted by his own hand, is made acceptable again by the Son of God. Not just acceptable, but better because we are allowed to choose, grow, and have a meaningful relationship with our Creator.

    If I had been the servant who delivered the wash water turned into wine I would have been thinking that this is supernatural for sure. I would have also been looking around the room wondering how no one else seems to know what was going on. How did everyone miss this?

    Isn’t that how is goes even today? How many times has someone told you how God provided for their needs and everyone says “Amen” and don’t really understand the miracle?

    Psalm 77:14: You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.

    1. Thank you, Chris!

      It does take a certain level of understanding to appreciate what is going on. I suppose one reaction might have been, “Nice trick! I wonder how he did that?” Another might have been, “I think I have seen something similar done once or twice before.” (Think about Pharaoh’s magicians early in the story of Exodus.)

      The fact that this was a Jewish wedding gives it context. The fact that Jesus was recognized as a rabbi who had disciples also adds context. The prophecies about the coming Messiah also add context.

      Understanding the context gives the event meaning. That is still true today.

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