Family Portrait

John 2: 12

“After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days.”

This single verse paints a picture of Jesus as he transitions from head of household to head of a theological revolution. As the eldest, after his father passed on, he became head of the household taking on the responsibility for his mother’s welfare making the family’s decisions. As a Rabbi with disciples, he takes on the role of prophet, one responsible for conveying God’s word to oftentimes unwilling listeners. In this verse we see both roles in play. Jesus has officially started his ministry with the miracle of changing water to wine, and yet his family still travels with him.

Q: What do you suppose the conversation might have been like between Jesus’ disciples and his family members while they were staying in Capernaum?

13 Replies to “Family Portrait”

  1. I wonder if they were trying to figure out Jesus’s “parlor trick” with the water/wine. Perhaps upset that they are not inside of what is going on.

    When Jesus calls his disciples, his “earthly brothers” are not among them. Perhaps God didn’t want the Jews to think this family was taking over, and try to make Him an earthly king.

    OK… I think my response ponders the question more than it answers. 🤓

  2. Both might have been saying, “What is he going to do next?”

  3. Always amazed with the multi-facets of God’s truth’s. Jesus went away with His mother, brothers and disciples.
    I see His being a good steward with what has been given to Him by His Father. He begins as we should, with His family and those who responded to His call. I agree that indeed they probably discussed the power behind what was done as well as what comes next.
    Have we shared the power of God in our lives with our family and friends? Do they see the change? Do we tell them how God has given us life filled with good things to do, leaving no desire or time for many of our old ways?

  4. I am always amazed with the multi facets of truth in every word in the bible. I’m believe how did you do that, and what are you going to do next were high on the minds of those with Jesus and they received answers.
    At the same time Jesus being an example of being a good steward of all God has given to us. He is entering His ministry to glorify God and knows He must spend some time with those closest to Him. God provided His mother, brothers and disciples, and these are the first He chooses to spend alone time with, which brings to mind a question.
    Have I spent time with my family and friends, telling them what Jesus has done in me? Do they know I was dead in my sins and today have eternal life free from the power of sin? Do they know God has given me a new heart and mind along with the knowledge and will to do His will, and an aversion to returning to my old ways?

  5. Call me stupid. Posted one, checked page later and my post did not show. Knowing me, I knew I had screwed up somehow so I posted again, then there were two. Oh Well………

  6. Maybe they didn’t say anything at all to each other,..they could have been so awww struck that He took the words right out of their mouths,..but I can imagine they could have been talking about how, what and when they were going to eat,..walking the distances they walked would bring on a hunger,..I know that much,..

    Love the theology here,..thanks Jeff for putting this together, have some great questions,..

    1. John,

      You are very welcome! Thank you for posting your thoughts here! I have really enjoyed reading all of the comments and I feel so much richer because of all the treasures being shared.

  7. I have come to believe in my lifetime that there is not a word or idea in the Bible that wasn’t an intentional part of God’s plan for our life. I think that God set up some time for Jesus to talk with his family and disciples about the transition. I think the conversation might have started out with His family being very curious about what happened at the wedding and then quickly turning to reverence and awe about what could be ahead of them. I think the conversation would have prepared them for the change in Jesus and what that would mean to them.

    1. Chris,

      I like your take on this. It was a time of transition for Jesus and his family. His mother obviously knew Jesus was special. His brothers … not so much.

      There is also the fact that this “miracle” was done very quietly. Jesus did not draw any attention to himself. All of the credit for the fine wine went to the groom. (John 2:9-10) It is possible that Jesus’ siblings were not aware of what happened. (The disciples were. See John 2:11)

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