
John 2: 17

“His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.’”

The zeal described in this verse is like a fire, it “consumed” Jesus. Clearly it was a holy zeal. Obviously it was a God-honoring zeal. Of all the word pictures of Jesus that we see in Scripture, this one is unique. This Jesus is a man of action, a man intent on making a point, one who is driven by an unrelenting sense of righteousness.

Q: What do you have zeal for?

9 Replies to “Zeal”

  1. I am trying but am far short of being consumed by an unrelenting sense of righteousness. Praise God for His saving Grace or I would never make it.

  2. I have a zeal for family, for helping others, and teaching. I have been getting better in all these areas as my “Zeal for Jesus” has regrown over the last few years. Through him all things are possible

    1. Phil,
      Welcome!! Thank you for commenting! Thank you for sharing your “Zeal for Jesus,” too!

  3. I have a Zeal for building and repairing wood and chain link fences,..not sure how this fits here but I read a Donald Trump book back in like 2008 or so and the only thing I got from the book was, ( it was a thick book too), follow your passion,..so I took that to God and He gave me the wisdom from 15 yrs of service at one fence company then He guided me to establish a fence company. If it weren’t for what God has put me through I wouldn’t be here where I am at today. Now this zeal has been shifted to the people I meet out on the fence line,..I know God has put me here for a reason and the reason I have found is to share the love of Jesus to those that will listen,..Jesus has always stressed from what I have read,..He who has ears to hear,..let him hear. He has opened the ear to my heart and I keep listening and responding to what I read and hear,..my zeal continues to grow each and everyday and am blessed to have the knowledge to share with others,..

    1. John,
      Thank you for sharing your story! That is inspiring to me, and encouraging. It is wonderful that God is using you to help mend fences and teach people about the ultimate fence mender, Jesus!

  4. I read this lesson on Sunday, and have been thinking about it. I have had more than one occasion in my life when someone has questioned my excitement or enthusiasm on a subject or action because of my lack of zeal. So had to think “what really gets my energy going?” I would have to say it’s when I see an injustice being done from one person to another. It can be a “bully” situation or even when I can see a lie or half-truth is being told in an effort to take advantage of someone.

    Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”

    1. Thank you, Chris!

      Looking at this question in retrospect, it seems a bit personal. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it! There are times when zeal overtakes us, and if the zeal is from the Holy Spirit, what follows is a very good thing.

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