
John 2: 17

“The Jews then responded to him, ‘What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?’”

After clearing the temple courts (a huge job, physically), using a whip to drive the animals out, and physically overturning table after money changing table, Jesus must be sweating and breathing hard. Looking over the now near empty courtyards his zeal abates, satisfied for the moment that his Father’s house has been purged of the marketplace. Turning, he sees an envoy of Jews approaching. They had not seen anything wrong with doing a little business in the temple courts so they approach the sweating carpenter while he is still catching his breath and demand a “sign” that will prove he has a right to do what he did.

Q: What kind of sign might the Jews have been expecting in this situation?

Bonus Question: What does it say about the mindset of the Jews in Jesus day, or their subconscious view of Jesus, that they would even think to ask for a “sign?”

5 Replies to “Authority”

  1. I think they didn’t feel he had any authority, and were looking to punish Him for their “losses”.

  2. Verse 2:16, Jesus tells them “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” NIV
    Verse 2:17, The disciples recalled “Zeal for Your house will consume Me.” Ps 93:5
    Verse 2:18, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” NIV
    I believe they were demanding Jesus prove, He is the Messiah spoken of in Ps 93:5.
    Same as today. We live in proof that God exists, yet think so highly of ourselves we dare to tell Him to prove Himself. Left to ourselves we have no hope.
    It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit can convict each of our sin, need for forgiveness, and give us the faith to believe in Christ.

  3. I think they could have been looking for some kind of cloud of smoke or a pillar of fire,..maybe they were looking for Him to consume the sacrifices with blazing fire coming forth from His eyes,..obviously they were looking for more than what He just got done preforming,..

  4. Wow, this is really a big question! Long answer short is that the Jews were looking for one of two messiahs, a Davidic (kingly) and/or an Aaronite (priestly) messiah. The first being one that would reestablish the Israelites as a nation, and the second one that would intercede between the Israelites and God. It is interesting to me that the Jews did not voice discontent with the actions of Jesus, but rather looked for signs to see if He was the Messiah. I think the signs they were looking for would have either been Jesus continuing the cleansing of the Temple with a full-fledged revolution, or Him standing at the Temple announcing a great prophesy or a “Thus sayeth the Lord…” I think in either case, the mindset of the Jews at the time is that they were ready (I would actually use the word primed) for a change, and were looking for it.

    1. Chris,

      Well said! I agree with what you say, especially that they were “primed” for a change. They chaffed under Roman rule and appear to be hungry for more power and authority.
      I appreciate your point about the two types of Messiahs. The Davidic Messiah would have been the Messiah of political power, one who freed them from Roman rule and placed them back at the pinnacle of human power as in the days of Solomon. The Priestly Messiah is something else.
      What would they have imagined a Priestly Messiah would be? Like themselves only more so? In their minds, the Priestly Messiah would have affirmed the “laws” of Moses and their own rules and laws. He would have been a Messiah of rules and laws, and religious power and authority.
      Both of these visions of the Messiah are messiahs that only the Priesthood could love. They are the ones who benefit the most from these visions. Instead, the humble carpenter from Galilee comes as Messiah, not just to the priesthood, but to the entire world.
      But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)
      Praise God!

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