
John 2: 25

“He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.”

There are many amazing things about our God, and this sentence encompasses one of the most amazing! Knowing each one of us intimately, knowing we could not be trusted, he still comes to earth as one of us and allows us to torture and kill Him in order to provide for our redemption.

Q: What does is say about our God that he would be born a man knowing people to be untrustworthy, knowing what would happen to him, but also knowing that this would allow him to redeem all whom he calls to repentance?

8 Replies to “Knowing”

  1. I think it speaks to His love and desire to have a relationship with man.

  2. How is it then that God has entrusted the gospel to man?

    Heaven (Jesus) and earth (Satan) did warfare . Satan thought he had won until Jesus showed up again.

    Good news for us who trust Him- Jesus.

  3. I was in the 1st grade and wanted a dog. My father a drunken truck driver thought it would be great to bring me a “junk yard dog who was in the pound, scheduled to be put to sleep for biting children.”
    After school, I came home all excited, asked mom, Where is my dog, she told me he was out back. I ran out back where he was chained to the cloths line, and immediately tried to attack me.
    I stopped outside his range of travel and watched this big animal, all teeth and anger, trying to attack me.
    It was a hot day and I noticed he had no food or water, so I went into the house, brought both out to him, pushed the bowels to him with a stick and sat on the grass as he ate and drank. He would look at me and growl, but he was also wolfing down the food and water. I named him butch, and would talk to him as he ate.
    I’m not sure how long this went on, but eventually the dog began to look forward to my coming to him, he stopped trying to attack me and eventually became my best buddy. He let me unchain him and we would play, run and sleep together. We became the best friends a boy and dog could become.

    I would suggest this is a little picture of our God and His love for all mankind. Obviously we are the Junk yard dog being blessed each and every day as God provides for us, calls to us by name, convicts us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Those of us who receive Him, are unchained and given full time access to Him. Those who reject Him shall remain chained to the clothesline.

    God love is universal and unconditional, and proven by an act no man would do for another.
    I am deeply, deeply hurt for those who will not received Him, those who face eternal separation, and do the best I can to allow Him to use me as He continues to call to them.

    1. Ron,
      What a beautiful, touching story! Thank you for sharing it! You are right, of course. Our God is patient, and loving, and continues to provide for us regardless of how bad our behavior is.

  4. Instantly I think of John 3:16

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

    God created us with the intension of having a relationship with us; He loves us. There are many people that I know and love, but I cant think of anyone I don’t know and love on a personal level. God loved us before we were even born. When He created the heavens and the Earth He did so with you, me and everyone individually in mind. He knew we would sin, and He prepared for us a way that we could still be with Him despite ourselves.

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