The Heart of the Matter

John 3: 3

“Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’”

You gotta admit that the way John tells this story, Jesus does not mess around! No chit chat or small talk this evening! Jesus does not have to ask, “Why Nicodemus, what brings you out this way so late at night?” He knows! He knows Nicodemus’ heart and what is on his mind. Without preamble or further introduction, he cuts right to the heart of the matter: You need to be born again!!

Q: What do you think Nicodemus had on his heart and mind for Jesus to make the statement he did?

6 Replies to “The Heart of the Matter”

  1. Nicodemus had a nagging sense he might miss what God was doing if he didn’t investigate Jesus credibility.

    Jesus saved him hem-hawing around by going directly to the answer to Nicodemus’s unasked question.

  2. Excellent point Duane. Jesus goes directly to the heart of the matter. I know why your here, you are not capable of understanding as you are.

  3. Yep,..Jesus didn’t give him any time to even think to make Jesus say what He said,..cut the chase and went right to the heart of the matter,..just like Ron said,..

    Ole’ Nick here is getting a dose of spiritual reality,..I can just imagine the perplexed look on his face when Jesus said that he needs to be born again,..HUH! What You talking about Jesus?

  4. This is really such a very important conversation. In the Bible Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus, but really He was speaking to me, and to you.

    I think Nicodemus really did have a desire to know the truth. As a Pharisee, he had dedicated his life to the observance of the law. Jesus answered Nicodemus’s question before it was even asked! Nicodemus knew what the scriptures said, Jesus confirmed to Nicodemus that merely following the law meant nothing if the heart was not earnest, if there was no change.

  5. Chris,

    What you have written is absolutely true: Jesus knows the questions of our heart before we even ask. Nicodemus, like you and me, is hungry to know how we can really know God. Jesus shows him the way. 🙂

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