A Great Question

John 3: 9

“‘How can this be?’ Nicodemus asked.”

What a great question! Nicodemus has seen or heard reliable testimony that Jesus has done extraordinary things. The signs Jesus caused to happen point to a relationship with a higher power than any known on earth. Recognizing that what they are seeing is beyond the power of mortals, some accuse Jesus of being demon possessed. Others believe he is the Messiah. Certainly, Nicodemus is living in a most amazing and challenging time.

“How can this be?” he asks…

Q: How would you answer Nicodemus?

7 Replies to “A Great Question”

  1. You teach the mighty works of God, beyond your understanding, yu teach the inspired writings of Moses and the prophets of God, and now you ask “how can this be?”

  2. I would to answer Nicodemus by saying something about about the Holy Spirit, but since Jesus hasn’t died on the cross yet; that wouldn’t do.

    I guess I tell him he ain’t seen nothing yet…Jesus is going to die and come back alive again. Just wait for it!!

  3. How can this be?,..How Can This Be?,..HOW CAN THIS BE?,..How many PhD’s do you now anyway Nick? You call yourself a teacher of Israel? Interesting,..I just told you the Spirit gives birth to the spirit, and it’s only through Me that this can be,..wake up! Open those spiritual eyes of yours I gave you and you will see just how this can be,..

    As a side note on the Spirit give birth to the spirit,..Was reading my devotional this morning,..Philippians 1:12-24 where Paul mentions to live is Christ and to die is gain,..anyway I had barely set my Bible down when the phone rang and my wife that has been taking the night shift with my mom said that she has moved on,..The Kingdom has gained another asset today,..just wanted to share the glory Jesus received today,..Keep smiling

    1. God bless you and your family John. Another child joins our Heavenly Father who remains sovereign 24/7.
      I pray He will comfort you all during this time of mixed emotions.
      Your brother in Christ,

    2. John,
      Thank you for sharing about your mom’s passing into glory today. Blessings on you, brother. To you, and your family and all who knew your mother. I am so thankful for your confidence in her joy at being with our Lord!!

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