
John 3: 12

“I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?”

It could be said that our Lord Jesus’ words were often pithy. He came to earth as a baby, but before that he existed as one with God, Creator of all. He doesn’t come to earth unaware of who he is or why he is here. He comes with the full knowledge of who his Father is and what his mission is. Because of who he is and what he knows, Jesus can literally answer any question imaginable. Yet he is constrained by the limits of people’s understanding. He is also constrained by what people are willing to believe.

Q: How has your ability to believe what Jesus tells us changed over the years you have known him?

6 Replies to “Belief”

  1. I try to walk by faith and by sight; taking God’s word over the world’s world…and then stand and watch things work out.

  2. One of the ways it has changed me is from the people He has put in my life to learn from and grow with,..He has opened the eyes of my heart and has filled me some of His wisdom,..I know I couldn’t have done this on my own,..certainly not the brightest student on the planet but it is His light that shines through me for others to see and come to praise Him,..another way He has changed me is through His word that I read everyday,..I look forward to it,..before I barely took it off the shelf,..probably had more dust on the cover than there are words between the cover, the pages are worn from being read over and over,..a lot of that is thanks to BSF,..a solid study for anyone who seeks to grow in The Lord,..I have also changed by applying some of the principles that have been set by The Master Teacher Himself,..Jesus,..Yes,..I have changed and it is only through Christ any of this has taken shape with this life He has called me to live for Him,..

  3. Good question and I appreciate the testimonies of God’s working from Rob and John. I sometimes get discouraged with my lack of faith in taking God at His word until I look backwards. Than I see that when I have trusted Him He has proven faithful again and again. Then I notice that my faith has grown as it appears to grow like a muscle – the more I utilize faith the more I have to use. I have a long way to go but am thankful for how far the Lord has brought me.

  4. I have passed from believing to knowing Christ is real. I have 41 years as a Christian. As I look back at what I was, who I am today, I have proof Jesus Christ is real and living in me, working through me as I allow Him.
    My home is filled with the peace and contentment only He can provide as I live with an aversion to so many things I once desired. ( still battle pride which is losing )
    My separation from all this world stands for, all the standards being claimed as normal is becomes greater each day, and I view this as very, very encouraging.
    I can only boast of God who has done the impossible in my life and provided me, my family with our every need and the increasing peace He provides all His children.
    Praise God for calling to us, giving faith to us, and being the Shepherd who loves His flock into obedience.

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