Brain Freeze

John 3: 13

“No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.”

Having just made the claim that he is able to speak authoritatively about heavenly things (v 12) Jesus now explains why that is true: Only he has been to heaven before becoming a man so that he alone is qualified to speak about heaven.

At the beginning of this chapter, in verse 2, Nicodemus says, “…we know you are a teacher who has come from God.” Jesus is now affirming to Nicodemus that what he said was quite literally true.

Q: Imagine you are in the place of Nicodemus and have just heard Jesus claim he was very literally from heaven. What kind of thoughts would be going through your mind?

6 Replies to “Brain Freeze”

    1. Duane
      Great question! I wonder how Jesus would have answered that? Of course he does tell us quite a bit throughout his ministry.

      1. Oh I’m so unworthy. Hide me in the cleft of a rock.

        Fortunately, my rock is Jesus.

        Praise to God!

  1. His disciples followed Him. I did the same. I believe Nicodemus will eventually.

  2. You know how some times we hear things that take time to register,..I am thinking he heard what Jesus said but it really didn’t register in his head of just what Jesus said,..I mean he is still working on wrapping his head around being born again and now Jesus said He came from heaven,..okay still working on the first one here give it time to sink in,..

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