
John 3: 17

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

The Bible is a long and detailed account of God’s dealings with his creation. It is an unusual book in that it records the failings of the people who wrote it. (If you ever wanted evidence that God inspired the writing of the Bible this is it! Why else would a people like the Jews write a book recording all of their failures unless God made them do it!) Throughout the Bible, God is giving people second chances and people are demonstrating that they don’t deserve them. Yet, in the end, after His chosen people have become so estranged that their leaders cannot even recognize God’s own Son when he shows up, God finds a way to restore life and relationship to those who repent (admit wrongdoing and turn from it) through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Q: If we were to operate using the same principle of love that God used when sending Jesus to earth, how would that change our lives? Our community? Our church? Our world?

5 Replies to “Principle”

  1. There is so much division in the world today. Any subject can get fought over. Even something as simple as food.

    I once was in a group of people eating together and I happened to order a hamburger. One person looked at me and said “do you care about your health…you obviously don’t”. They were ready to judge me and I hadn’t even said a word.

    Plus people today learn one aspect of your life and make assumptions about how you feel about every topic. (Ever start talking about the weather and have defend your views on immigration?)

    Sorry if this response rambled, but my point would be that it is tough to love the world when everyone wants to fight & argue over everything. I really don’t find peace outside the body of Christ.

    Anyways, happy Tuesday morning to you all.

  2. Hey Robster, you got it. My thoughts were, where does Jeff get these questions, this world is becoming harder to love each day. Just when I calm down about their latest step into insanity and perversion, this world takes another one. I see what you see brother.

    When I was in the Marine Corps, I received great training on self discipline, maintaining focus, and completing my mission while surrounded in chaos beyond imagination. The Marines look at events differently than the normal person. Being totally surrounded and heavily outnumbered, by people determined to end your existence is not viewed as a bad thing, it’s actually seen for what it really is,
    ” A target rich environment .” A great thing, greater opportunity for the Marines to complete their mission.

    Well, we are at war. Our God knows this, in fact he had a Christian warrior named Paul issue instructions to us, Ephesians 6:10-18. First we are to put on the full armor of God, then we pick up our sword, ” the word of God, ” and join the battle in PRAYER and being ALERT TO THE NEEDS OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Hold them up in prayer as they battle evil on their front.

    And fight the battle using the word go God to bring love, peace and clarity to all those who are willing to accept His truths. Be whatever part of the body of Christ God has made us. Live whatever gift the Holy Spirit has given us, and enjoy the peace and love of God as it passes through us, to those God brings to us.

  3. Robster & Ron –
    Your comments are spot on! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic! It is a cruel world out there. Just ask our Lord Jesus how he enjoyed his time on earth. He knows better than anyone what he is asking us to do. Perhaps the flip side of the question should be asked: What would happen if God were to take all of His believers out of the world? The difference between what the world is like now and what it would be like if that happened is the measure of what God’s light in this world means to it. More light is better I think.

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