
John 3:18

“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

When you hear the word, “Judgement,” what picture comes to mind? Do you tend to picture people smiling or people with a worried or fearful look on their faces? I personally tend to associate judgment with condemnation, probably because I have never met anyone in this life who was perfect and didn’t deserve some level of judgment.

It is heartwarming to me how Jesus flips this picture of judgment from one of condemnation to one of joy and happiness. “Whoever believes in him is not condemned…” WOW!

Q: Do you think Jesus means what he says about whoever believes in him is not condemned, or do you think there is some kind of fine print attached to that offer that people need to be aware of?

5 Replies to “Flipped”

  1. Straight from the mouth of God. “whoever believes in Him is not condemned.”

    I have run into many men who would like to add to this, but if anything needed to be added, Jesus would have done so.

  2. Two guys go to court for speeding. One knows the judge, one has fifteen priors. Judge says to one you are free to go home and enjoy your family and life. To the other he says, “guilty”.
    Which would we like to be?

  3. Guilty, but not treated as guilty. It truly is flipped. Good title choice Jeff.

  4. I agree with the other sentiments here. It is flipped indeed. John 5: 24 is coming up: “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned. He he passed over from death to life.”

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