
John 3:20

“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”

One of the interesting side effects of staying out of the light is that being in darkness seems normal. When we come into the light, and allow Jesus (the Light) to come into us, we become aware that being in darkness is not normal. We also become aware that those who are in darkness are different.

In Jesus, we find that we have nothing to fear because he has promised us eternal life through Him. So even death (physical death) is less scary knowing that there is hope beyond the grave.

It is kind of like garlic. (Bear with me here … 🙂 )

To someone who eats garlic all of the time, the smell of garlic is part of who they are. To them, it seems normal. Everyone else, however, is acutely aware of the smell.

Q: How would you describe the difference between people who love the light and people who hate the light?

9 Replies to “Garlic”

  1. These are very well though out and good devotions brother. Thank you for doing them. People who love the light will not be comfortable with wallowing in the mud of sin. We will, unfortunately sin, but when we do we will not be comfortable. It is not home for us. We will return from the mud and go home – just like the prodigal son. People who hate the light are actually comfortable in the dark. That is their home. Those of the light struggle with sin. Those of the dark have no such struggle. They are home.

    1. You make a great point, Rich. The struggle you refer to, the discomfort with this world is very real once we accept the Light. And yet, the “comfort” of being in the dark is not all that comfortable as I remember it. It is a nightmarish sinking feeling that drives a person to keep grasping for more; looking for that right person, or right drug, or enough money and power to keep worry and insecurity at bay.

      1. I agree. Being home can be a nightmare. Yet, many from dysfunctional homes carry that dysfunction with them simply because it is what they are used to. But it is still unhealthy and painful. Your description is appropriate. Unfortunately, many prefer the darkness until they truly experience the light.

  2. When my focus is on the things God values, it’s easier to see to foolishness of the ways of darkness.

    When my focus isn’t on the light, that’s when dissatisfaction creeps in.

  3. Wow,..some great answers here,..thanks for the theology lessons Jeff,..It is always a great joy to me to be able to even give an answer,..and it is only through the Light that Jesus gave me that I have any answer at all,..

    People who love the light vs people who hate the light,…light exposes all that’s hidden within and the things on the inside aren’t so pretty,..but it is the Light of Christ that makes the dirtiest heart clean,..I may have a bit more to clean up but I tell ya,..I would rather be in the Light of Christ than in the darkness where there is grinding and gnashing of teeth,..I’ve been there it isn’t any fun or pretty and there is no goodness that comes from being in the dark, the dark we trip and fall because there is no light for the path, the dark some of the most vilest sins are committed,..

    Today a security guard at the credit union opened the door for me and we struck up a conversation after I mentioned that no one has ever opened the door for me here,..she happened to start talking about the world and it’s ways,..and I mentioned to her that I am not of this worlds economy,..she looked at me and I said I am in God’s economy and it is out of His providence that I live,..she was like how can this be? I told her that I am to give all that I am to God and know that He will provide for me,..I ask Him for guidance to the opportunities He has for me,..I told her I work hard at not clouding my mind up with what goes on in the world because then it takes my mind off of God,..and I think the devil would like that too much,..she said that made sense and she felt as if I was supposed to be there for her to hear that today,..God may have been glorified but I believe I failed on this opportunity because I left without praying for her there,..however I have prayed for her since this meeting today,..just wanted to share as I feel it is the Light of Christ that emits for others to see,..

  4. Wanting to learn more and surround myself with everyone’s encouraging words in Christ.

  5. Hi Tim!

    Looks like you are discovering some of the early posts that were done. I see John left a wonderful story on this one. Thank you for prompting me to look at this again.

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