In Full View

John 3: 21

“But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

This, to my mind, is a fascinating point: Whatever those who live in the light do is done in the sight of God. That doesn’t mean it is always “right,” or righteous, or even good, but it is done in the sight of God. Those who live in darkness hide from God, but God still sees what they do.

Those in a relationship with God, who live in the light, might be disciplined for what they do, but that is to be expected by those who live in the light. Those who live in darkness are trying to avoid discipline and consequences for what they do.

Living in the light doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. It does mean that you have to want to be with God and have believed in his son, Jesus. God takes care of the rest.

Q: What happens when a Christian thinks, says, or does something that they don’t want God to know about?

7 Replies to “In Full View”

  1. It’s a feeling like Adam hiding behind s fig leaf. It just doesn’t work.

    1. LOL!
      Ron, you crack me up! I can see it now: a whole comment section with just “Yesses” and “Noes.”

  2. But this is not one of them.
    We mock Christ, tell Him we reject all He has done for us.
    We quench, grieve the Holy Spirit.
    We separate ourselves from our Holy God.
    We squander valuable time and resources given to us by God when We choose to wander in darkness rather walk in the Light.
    2 Peter 2:22 “A dog returns to its vomit” , “a sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”

  3. I believe we have all been there and likely will be again. It is a futile enterprise that sometimes I find myself in – Hebrews 4: 13.

  4. Probably just what they think is going to happen,..God already knows and more than likely had it all planned out what will happen to the Christian that thinks they are hiding something from God,..Just as Rich mentioned,..Hebrews 4:13,..we are laid bare, for who we really are,..sinners that have fallen way short of God’s marvelous glory,..another question maybe can a Christian lose salvation thinking they can hide what they are doing from God? Either way God still knows,..always has,..always will

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