
John 3: 27

“To this John replied, ‘A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.’”

This verse is a treasure! As we read through the narratives of the Gospels and other Bible stories, it is easy to get caught up in the narrative. When that happens, we can read the words without stopping to fully consider them.

Think about this truth: ‘A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.’

Literally, everything a person has is from heaven. To extend this concept a bit, isn’t it true that God created everything and therefore everything in this life is “from heaven?” In addition to our physical existence, God also provides the details: our talents, interests, skills, and our capacity for knowledge.

Q: How does knowing that not only are your fingerprints uniquely created by God but that your personality is, too, help you accept your unique roll in this life?

7 Replies to “Details”

  1. Our Lord made me aware of this some years ago and this truth is both thought provoking and extremely encouraging. Once I got past the many why this, why that, etc., I came away feeling great.
    I live every day trying my best to walk in humble obedience to the will of God who knows every teeny, tiny detail about me and I have not burst into flames. What a wonderful loving God we have!

  2. “but that your personality is, too, help you accept your unique roll in this life?”

    This reality has been an important part of my growth in the faith – It freed me from constantly trying to find/think of God’s will as an elusive secret life path that I had to find. The truth is God is so much bigger than we realize – he made us, gifted us for service, commands us with His Word, guides us by His Spirit, and has given us a family (church) to help us along the way. Realizing that following God’s will has more to do with obeying His Word and faithfully serving wherever I am was an incredible freedom and part of my journey of faith.

  3. It helps encourage me in my role in life, and also helps me love and appreciate others…especially in the body of Christ

  4. Thank you all for your comments! Excellent (as always)!!
    Just because we take something we have for granted, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have value. (Sorry about the double negative!) When I compare myself to who and what I was in years past, I can see the effect that following the Light has had on me, especially in regards to my appreciation for what God has given me spiritually. He has opened my eyes to so many things I did not see or understand before, and the real joy is seeing this same thing happen in others that I know who also follow God’s Light.

  5. One day at a time,..picking up my cross and following the Master,..seeking the opportunities He places in front of me to plant a seed. I guess I like getting my hands dirty,..sort of speak,..

    He gave me another opportunity today to talk with a man of about 80 years old,..Jesus was glorified, a seed was planted and love was shared,..he called me up to remove about ten feet of fence,..I left with a hug and the sweat off of my brow, about extracting a living from the earth, opportunity to help someone out and glorify Jesus all in one,..two birds with one stone I guess,..

    Every day is different just as every opportunity is different too,..

  6. Great John! The key is listening to the Spirit and letting Christ minister to those sent to you. You’re doing well brother.

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