
John 3: 30

“He must become greater; I must become less.”

Knowing our place in life and being able to accept our role make life livable. In my experience with the world, it seems its message is very different: “you can be anything you want to be” coupled with “you can do it” and “just do it” and “get all you can” all lead to frustration and stress.

John the Baptist is a great example of how God wants us to live. He knows who he is and he knows who it is not. He is not God. He is not the Messiah. Rather, he is God’s herald here to announce the coming of the Lord. Having done what he was called to do, John finds his place in this world shrinking as Jesus steps into center stage.

John the Baptist not only knows this must happen, he is content to be and do what God has planned for him.

Q: What is the secret of contentment in this life?

7 Replies to “Contentment”

  1. This life is about glorifying God (because he deserves it). It’s not about us.

    Once you “put God in His place”, you have contentment.

    Happy 5th of July.

  2. Seek the will of our creator God. Seek to live in obedience to God in all we do through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  3. I can’t say it better. I agree with Robster. We are to be content with glorifying God and not ourselves.

  4. Right on,..Robster,..I like how you say,..put God in His place, true!

    My answer is,..It shouldn’t be a secret,..isn’t that the wonder of His marvelous mystery,…how a people such as ourselves can be content amidst all the violence and oppression going on around us,..I believe we were told to shout it from the roof top,..keeping the secret to ourselves would be a sin,…wouldn’t it? Jesus is the only One that came from heaven that was given to us that we may be saved,..this is no secret,…Acts 4:12

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