Deep Waters

John 4: 5-6

“So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.”

In this passage we are following Jesus and his disciples as they travel north into Galilee from Judea. In a sense, Jesus is leaving the “Big City” area around Jerusalem and heading north into the small towns of the country.  To get where he is going he travels back through distant memories of the land as it was when Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, lived there. The NIV text refers to Sychar as the town they were near when Jesus met the woman at the well. Others refer to this town as Shechem. The key geographical feature in this story is Jacob’s well. A well dug by Jacob’s servants centuries before.

The land where the well is is no longer part of Israel, but is referred to as Samaria. The Samaritans were a mix of peoples settled by the Assyrians after they took Israel into exile because they were unfaithful to God. Even so, the area is rich with reminders of the history of God’s people. Jacob’s well was one of those reminders.

Q: Let’s assume for the moment that God had a reason for Jesus to be at that particular place when he met the Samaritan woman. What can we draw from the fact that this meeting occurs at Jacob’s well?

10 Replies to “Deep Waters”

  1. You can lead a Jesus to water, but you can’t make Him drink…unless there’s a Samaritan woman there to draw it.

    Sorry…I’ve got nothing this morning guys.

  2. Jesus selected common ground for His meeting with the Samaritan woman. WOW, what a concept. A great act of love on His part.
    He is God, He could have called her to Jerusalem and read her the riot act. But no, He humbled Himself, went to her where she was and very gently led her into true faith.
    Jesus is being an example to us regarding how He chooses to approach the unapproachable through us.

    1. Nice, Ron! You make a great point!! Jesus does come to us where we are and is gentle in his calling. Thanks!

  3. God has a reason for everything,..and all we can do is assume what the reason is, fact is that water can be drawn from Jacob’s well, was a long walk and He had to of been thirsty being in human form,..God led Jacob to the place to dig the well for water to sustain,..Jesus comes to the well that His Father led Jacob to, sustain.

    I like Ron’s answer here ,..I think I’m reading a little to much into this, thing for sure is that Jesus is my Sustainer.

    1. John,
      I’m not sure it is possible to read too much into God’s Word. Like a gemstone it seems to reflect something new every time it is turned.

  4. Just jacob’s Well or the added significance of ‘this’ well having supplied water for centuries cannot compare to the ‘well of water springing up into everlasting life ‘.

    1. Duane,
      Absolutely right! Jesus seems to illustrate much of what he says with everyday things or experiences. One benefit is that his story is linked to something that reminds people of his story every time that everyday thing happens.

  5. All part of his plan. We can not begin to think or know what god knows or why he has things the way they are.

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