
John 4:11

“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?”

An experienced fisherman can usually tell the difference between a “nibble” and when the fish is definitely “hooked” on the line. In the same way, there is a point where a person’s interest in something overcomes their suspicions or hesitation and they are said to be “hooked.” 

Throughout this conversation so far, Jesus has been very careful in how he speaks to the woman at the well. He has approached her humbly asking for, not demanding, a drink of water. Her response is honest and reflects surprise: You are a snobby Jew and I am a lowly Samaritan and a woman to boot. How can you ask me for a drink?

Jesus’ response must have seemed like a non-sequitur to her. “If you knew…”

He is teasing her again. Appealing to her curiosity. The gambit works and her response in verse 11 shows that she is now fully engaged in the conversation and the question Jesus has asked. She is hooked, as they say.

Q: What can we learn from Jesus in this story so far about helping others to understand the reality of God and the importance of believing in Jesus Christ?

5 Replies to “Hooked”

  1. I believe I need to be humble enough to accept that God is not only Spirit but human all in one,..that had to be very tough for the ones that were going through time with Jesus and His radical message that He is the only way to eternal life,..

    What also helps me understand are the verses in chapter three verses 16 & 17,..we all need to believe in Jesus in order to gain eternal life with God and all the others that have gone on before us,..God desires obedience rather than sacrifice,..one indescribable example Jesus set for us by going to the cross,..God showed us what true obedience looks like through His One and only Son Jesus Christ by Him dying for all of us on that old rugged cross.

    Whatever we do in life this is the utmost of importance,..accepting the work of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross,..it is for me anyway,..

    1. John,
      You make a great point! Keeping in mind that belief in Jesus is not an easy thing helps us to have compassion for those we are trying to reach out to. Jesus himself is humble before the woman at the well. How much more so should we be humble before our Lord and in following His example in reaching out to others.

  2. She was curious and seeking answers… answers that led her to God.

    Patience may be needed on our part while others seek and after God.

  3. Hello from Yosemite, computer connections hit and miss, but will try to keep up with you guys.
    Really enjoy the question and feedback of brothers, and believe we are all together. God is so kind. He placed the passage in my mind where Jesus responds to the question “And what is the greatest commandment”. And of course the first word of the two greatest commandments is LOVE. Jesus is LOVE, which brings me to we need to let Jesus, LOVE be seen by others. I’m not really good at this but I firmly believe we are all called to LOVE the sinner and hate the sin.
    If we allow Christ to LOVE on His creation, just as He has LOVED on each of us, we will have accomplished Gods will. It’s going to take humility, compassion and a lot of patience, but with Gods help we can be the good and faithful servants He has called us to be..

  4. Everyone has different ways to reach out with compassion to different people with different trials they’ve been through. It gives us the capability to relate to some people with understanding.

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