
John 4:13-14a

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.’”

How does someone who has experienced life in heaven explain what it is like to someone who has never been there?

There are lots of places in the world that I have not been to. Suppose someone has been to a particular place that you have never been and has a unique and amazing quality about it. Maybe it is standing on top of a high mountain, or exploring the bottom of the ocean. Perhaps it is what it is like to be in a cave all alone, or visiting a waterfall in the middle of a jungle. Whatever the experience, I would venture to say it is impossible to make someone else fully understand what it was like to be there.

Now let’s add another twist. We are talking to someone who has not only been someplace that is not even on our planet, but is someplace that requires a person die to get there. In effect, we will have to shed our physical body to experience what it is like to be where this person (Jesus) has been.

How does Jesus explain what it is like to be with Him in heaven?

Q: What do you think Jesus is trying to convey with his metaphor of water that cures thirst forever?

7 Replies to “Metaphor”

    1. Brentg –

      Welcome aboard!! We hope you enjoy the content and find yourself wanting to share your thoughts here.


    1. Robster –
      I agree. Isn’t that an interesting concept to think about? To cure thirst forever is a physical metaphor for the thirst each of us has in our soul. I wonder if that thirst is something many people are even aware of?

  1. Water sustains life, as Jesus states the water He provides sustains life,..however the life we know now of that He is referring to is the eternal life we look and hope for to be with Jesus and all those that have gone on before us,..this lady at the well was just learning about Him and certainly not the way we have come to know of and about Him,..

    As like Him being the bread of life, mom just recently has been given the omnicient power of being born to a spirit and gaining eternal life,..I was giving a thirty minute lecture at her celebration of life and I was mainly speaking about Jesus,..I remember mentioning something like,..once I have learned from Jesus on one thing I was and still am hungry for more, it is pretty much the same in a way but I thirst for more of His water,’s sooo refreshing to drink from His well of knowledge,..He is the master Teacher and I am the student,..I may not have credentials on the wall but I do hold a couple of PHD’s,..I like to call them Post Hole Diggers

    I know now why my mom led me to Jesus, I can spent eternity with her and her King,..Jesus,..

    He offers the drink that no one else can provide,..

    1. John,
      What a wonderful insight! Thank you for sharing – especially about your mother. I am sure your faith is making her smile!!

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