
John 4: 27-29

‘“Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, ‘What do you want?’ or ‘Why are you talking with her?’ Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, ‘Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?’”

Once more, using the metaphor of a theater stage, the disciples enter the scene again. They register surprise, but no one asks any questions. Meanwhile the woman at the well exits stage right, and the scene changes. 

We follow the woman back to town leaving the disciples with Jesus by the well. The woman, possibly an outcast of sorts because of her marriage track record, ignores whatever social protocol that forced her to go to the well alone, and she bubbles forth with excitement, “Come see a man who told me everything I ever did.”

Now that must have gotten attention! Most people in town already knew about “everything she ever did,” so she was obviously talking about a stranger to those parts. What kind of person knows everything about someone they just met?

This is where the woman at the well shows that she was paying attention to Jesus: She models his approach to her. Instead of making a direct statement, she then asks, “Could this be the Messiah?”

Q: What kinds of questions can you think of that might lead someone you know into a conversation about our Lord?

6 Replies to “Conversation”

  1. Demonstrate an interest in the person you are conversing with. Be genuinely interested and ask questions that will help you to know the person better. People will enjoy talking with you and in time you will be asking them about their relationship with Jesus.

  2. Tough question. If I knew the answer, I’d probably be better at spreading the Word of God.

    Ultimately, my mind is at ease knowing that it’s really God moving their hearts rather than my attempts at finding the right words.

  3. I’m with Ron on this one too,..I find being interested in the person I am conversing with makes it a bit easier to inject questions the Holy Spirit has led me to ask,..I do think it all starts with a simple prayer asking God for the words to say to the person that I am speaking to or with.

    Tomorrow I will be out distributing flyers for the Compassion Connect Mini-Medical Clinic coming to the building I worship corporately in August 4th,..We are one of five churches that are involved at being the hands and feet of Jesus giving out free medical and dental services, free hair cuts and physical therapy,..we get to converse with the community about Jesus,..I will be handing out free NIV large print New Testaments to all the guests who would like one,..there will certainly be conversations about Jesus then and He will be glorified,..

  4. John,
    What an awesome program! I’ll be excited to hear how the Holy Spirit guides you through this wonderful opportunity!

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