
John 4: 30

‘“They came out of the town and made their way toward him.”

Jesus’ disciples had just been to the town where the woman at the well lived. They had talked to people there because they were there to buy food. What were their thoughts as they walked into the town? Were they thinking about how much God loved the people of the town? Were they thinking about how amazing it is to know Jesus personally? Did the thought ever cross their mind that this would be a great opportunity to tell more people about Jesus and his message of God’s love and forgiveness?

Perhaps they were thinking, “Can’t wait to get out of this place!” or maybe they were even a bit afraid of the inhabitants. Maybe they were just busy trying to get the best buy they could on the tastiest figs?

Whatever their thoughts were, we know what the results of their actions were: They came back from town with food … and nothing else. Nobody followed them to see Jesus. Yet almost immediately after they return to Jesus, the woman at the well returns to town. We don’t “know” what she was thinking either, but we can guess. And we can see the results: The entire town drops what they are doing to come and see Jesus.

Q: How do our actions and the results of those actions reveal what is in our thinking and in our hearts?

4 Replies to “Revealed”

  1. God judges the hearts of men. When we accept Christ we accept Him into our hearts and become a new creation. These points would indicate our actions are born out of the condition of our heart.
    At the same time God measures by His standards not ours. David was a real scoundrel, he paid the price, consciences for his sins, yet God looked at His heart and called David His friend.
    God never ceases to be beyond our understanding.

    1. Thanks Ron! Great point. Being a new creation in Christ does change us (Thank God!!). You also make a good point about God being the one who judges the hearts of men. To clarify my question a bit, it was not intended as a prompt to judge others, but rather as a prompt to look at our own actions in the light of this passage.
      For my part, looking at my own actions, or inactions as the case may be, causes me to rethink what I am doing with my time and resources.

  2. Thanks Jeff! I didn’t word properly. I believe our actions are born out of a condition of our heart.
    At the same time, David, an adulterer, murderer and more ( actions born out of a condition of his heart ). Was considered declared a friend of God who judges men by the condition of their hearts.
    I don’t know if this is considered a paradox or not, but it is extremely thought provoking and gives me a huge appreciation for our God and His ways being beyond our understanding.

    1. Ron,
      A paradox it is! 🙂 The condition you ascribe to David actually applies to all who put their trust in the Lord. Which one of us is without sin? Which one of us has not been declared God’s friend through Christ? (John 15: 13-15) We are incredibly blessed to be considered children of God and friends of our Lord Jesus.

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