
John 4: 33-34

”Then his disciples said to each other, ‘Could someone have brought him food?’

‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.’’’

Of course, the disciples ask a very reasonable question. Jesus is talking about food, so why wouldn’t they expect him to be talking about food? 

When talking with Jesus we are confronted with a person who is not of this world. He seems to use every opportunity to convey a truth about heaven through an earthly example.

Jesus must have known that when he started talking about “food” his disciples would have been thinking about earthly food just like he must have known that when he talked about water to the woman at the well she would think he meant physical water. Yet in both cases, Jesus was talking about a heavenly truth.

Now, while the woman is busy spreading the word about finding God’s Messiah, Jesus explains what he means by “food.”

Q: How is doing God’s will “food” for Jesus, and does this principle apply to us as well?

2 Replies to “Nourishment”

  1. Jesus walked this earth as God with skin on. He was God and man. The man in Jesus was just like us, subject to temptation in every way, just like we are.
    We choose to walk with God and find ourselves becoming spiritually stronger with each passing day. Can you look back and see the many sins and habits God has taken away from you? Do you see the things that used to have a hold on you as nothing, even unattractive? Ugly? That’s because you prefer walking with God over splashing in the mud.
    When you see these things you find you are stronger, you have passed from believing in Jesus to knowing Jesus is real. Not anywhere near perfect, just a little closer.

  2. Well said Ron Toole. Jesus was indeed of this world (human) and not of this world (God) at the same time. In some ways, so are we. We are not like Him in His Divinity, but we are living in the world while longing for our citizenship in heaven (Phil. 3: 20; Heb. 11: 10). So we long for our heavenly home and spiritual food just as we long for our physical food. And if we do not, that actually reveals there is a problem we need to address.

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