
John 4: 35-36

‘“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.”

I write this after getting home after an evening of running errands with my wife. Since we were out and about we stopped for dinner at a local fast food place. A few minutes after we sat down two men sat down at the table next to us. One of them looked like he was carrying everything he owned on his back. The other looked like he might be buying dinner for the both of them. My theory was confirmed almost immediately when I heard the one tell the other he was attending seminary. Apparently, he was living his faith and reaching out to help with the harvest.

Jesus has been talking about “living water” and now he talks about “the harvest.” One thing that is clear is that what Jesus means is very different than the meanings we commonly associate with the words he is using.

Q: How is a person supposed to wrap their head around the things that Jesus is talking about?

7 Replies to “Harvest”

  1. The language Jesus uses gives us a sense of immediacy to take action. If it’s harvest time, then the time to work is now.

    It’s easy to get busy in our own worldly matters, but we should try to understand God’s priorities and address these matters.

  2. Big question Jeff, will give you the same answer two ways.

    Prayerfully study God’s word. If you are not a believer when you start, you will become one. God will provide understanding at the perfect pace for His child.

    We must each respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. As children we must in humble obedience sit at His feet and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal and place God’s truths into our hearts. It’s a lifelong process toward perfection we will never reach in this lifetime

  3. Ron & Robster,

    Thanks for your thoughts! One thing that occurs to me is that this challenge is timeless. We have just as much trouble getting our heads around these concepts as the disciples did.

  4. Reminds me of the Little Ceasar’s Pizza commercial where the guy just couldn’t wrap his mind around how much cheese they put on their pizza,..seriously though,… I don’t think anyone can wrap their heads around what He say’s until the Holy Spirit opens up our spiritual minds and hearts. What a difference that has made in my life,..

  5. Never reach in our lifetime? Perfect pace for his children? Well I’m alread a few years behind everyone but I feel like he will help me understand more and grow rapidly.

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