Sharing the News

John 4: 39 – 41

‘“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me everything I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days.  And because of his words many more became believers.”

There are three very important points in this passage: 

2. Many people believed because of the testimony of one person who knew Jesus.

3. People considered hostile God’s Word responded to Jesus by asking him to stay with them.

4. Because of knowing Jesus, many more became believers.

Yes, I know. I numbered them, “2, 3, and 4,” because they are three very important points. But there is another point that I think actually belongs at Number 1: The person bringing the message to those who came to believe in Jesus already was known to them.

Now just because we are known to someone isn’t a prerequisite for sharing the Good News about Jesus, but it is an important point. The Woman at the Well probably wasn’t the most popular person in town. In fact, she may have been a kind of social outcast. Yet she was known to the people of the village and she had something exciting to share. Who else would she go to? She shared her excitement with those people she knew.

Q: What is it about Jesus that excites you enough to want to tell those you know about him?

4 Replies to “Sharing the News”

  1. 2.) Jesus accepts each person as they are, He does not say, ” Go get cleaned up and I will be with you. ”
    3.) Jesus sets us free from the burden of sin, and the new person we become knows what He has done.
    4.) I never want to leave Him, in fact it would be pure insanity to go back to what I was before Jesus came into my heart.
    Oh yes and number 1.) Jesus calls us.

  2. I would have to say His love and compassion,..He loved a sinner like me enough to die on the cross for my sin and even still He has compassion for me in this world we live in,..He knows where my heart is and it excites me to know that He lives in me even though I still have some rooms for Him to clean up inside of me,..It excites me to know that He has imputed His righteousness into someone like me and then there is the cross I get to carry everyday,..I get excited when I start talking about Him to someone that is genuinely listening,..there are a lot of things about Jesus that excites me to tell others,.it’s exciting to see the faces of people when the Holy Spirit speaks through me,..there is sooo much more that excites me to tell others about Jesus,..but first I need to be open and available to the opportunities He has laid out before me to tell others of Him for His glory,..

    A pastor once told me that whenever Jesus name is said He receives glory, if your reading this say His name out loud now and glorify His name! Jesus,..say it again,..Jesus. Now imagine what the heavens sound like right now,..oh yeah,..can you hear the angels sing? I can! Keep smiling

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