Knowing Jesus

John 4: 42

‘”They said to the woman, ‘We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.’”

There is a difference between knowing about Jesus, and knowing Jesus. A lot of people knew about Jesus while he was walking on earth, but not everyone recognized him as the Savior of the world. Here we have an example of Jesus staying with a small group of people for two days, and many of them come to believe that Jesus is the savior of the world. 

As I read through the scriptures I am amazed by the impact knowing Jesus has on people. Yes, Jesus is a man in every sense of the word, but at the same time, he is God, creator of the universe and all that is in it. Perhaps you have met people who have a certain “something” about them that catches your attention and perhaps draws you to them?

To know Jesus is to know God. Think about that! The woman at the well and her Samaritan neighbors had the opportunity to spend two days with Jesus.

Q: If Jesus was here in the flesh again and you had the opportunity to invite him into your home for two days, what would those days look like?

3 Replies to “Knowing Jesus”

  1. Sitting at His feet listening intently to what He is saying,..that would be wild because His Holy Spirit would be in me while He was there talking to me,..kind of mind boggling,..but how cool is that? All of His spiritual talk would make sense since I am filled with His Spirit,..I would look in His eyes and actually be able to see the Word of God, more reading just believing,!

  2. My home would be full of as many people as I could even with the whole covid thing going on. But this passage was part of my testimony saying that the religious leaders knew the scriptures by heart. Mary didnt know scriptures but knew Jesus and she wept. Are you still following me Jeff? I’m not the one you should be following. Lol. I know you are a happy reaper watching me grow. Thank you for your blog.

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