
John 5: 8-9a

‘”Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.’  At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.”

Having asked the invalid “Do you want to get well?” and having received a rambling semi-excuse for an answer, Jesus says simply, “Get up!” In doing so, Jesus demonstrates the awesome power of his holy nature, because the man does just that; he gets up! 

Sometimes life is that simple. Sometimes God comes to us and asks, “Do you want to get well?” If we hear the question, if we listen to our Creator speak, and if we answer… sometimes the response is direct and amazing!

I am reminded of one time when my oldest son was bucking the traces. He was a teen and didn’t want to obey dad’s rules on when he should be back. We had words and he left in a huff. I was frustrated, scared, and a little bit ashamed. Not so different than the invalid Jesus talked to. I remember praying, earnestly asking God for help. The answer took me by surprise. The word that formed in my mind was, “Oreos.” Oreos?? I prayed again, but that was clearly the answer.

We happen to have some in the kitchen so I put a few on a plate and put them on my son’s bed where he would see them if he came home. (I was a bit concerned he might not!) Next to them I put a note that said, “Son – Parents are like Oreos. We might be a bit hard on the outside, but we are soft in the middle, and we love you very much.”

My son does not remember this episode, but I do. The next day, there was still tension between us, but there had definitely been a change in attitude. Maybe to put it more directly in terms of this verse, there had been healing.

Q: Can you share of a time when God spoke into your life simply and directly and effected healing change?

2 Replies to “Simplicity”

  1. This is almost a weekly occurrence for me. Often when I get consumed with busyness, I hear that still small voice say “Cease striving, and know that I am God.” Or “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened.” When I respond I find what I need in that moment. I think God is often reminding me to go to Him and turn anxiety over to Him. Of course, then I have to want to get well to respond correctly.

  2. Recently our Lord suddenly, without warning, took my 44 year old son home, and I agonized the loss, questioned God’s decision in my own way. As I recall, God brought to mind the words of Jesus, ” Let the dead bury the dead “, I felt he was telling me I could grieve the loss but cautioned me to not dwell there. I also saw David who laid prostate in prayer while their was some hope, but rose, bathed and ate resumed his role as king, once God took his son, had made His decision final. David demonstrated the actions of a true servant of God.

    Then God spoke into my mind, “Am I sovereign?” there is only one response,
    “of course you are.” Next He asked “Full time or part time?” Obviously, again there is only one answer and that was the end of our conversation.

    However, the effects of this conversation are going to be eternal. Today and forever I will live in the comfort and security of knowing our God is sovereign. This fact gives me peace no matter what the circumstances might be.

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