
John 5: 14-15

“Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, ‘See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.’ The man went away and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had made him well.”

We learn a lot from these two verses about the man Jesus chose to heal. We already know that there is no record of him saying, “Thank you!” or even acknowledging that he had been healed except that he got up and picked up his mat and walked. 

“Later…” in this case means that Jesus had left the man and travelled into the City probably through the Sheep Gate which was nearby. It may have been a few hours after the healing that Jesus saw the man or a few days. Possibly he was in the temple to be declared “clean” by a priest and offer the required sacrifice for being healed. Regardless of why he was there, Jesus finds him again and gives him instructions.

In John 9:1-3 Jesus meets another man who needs healing. This man was born blind. His disciples ask Jesus if the blindness was the result of sin and Jesus says it is not. Here, however, it seems that sin was the reason for the man’s illness.

So how does the man show his gratitude for being healed and having God explain to him how to avoid something worse in the future? Having figured out who Jesus was, he makes a beeline for the Jewish leaders and tells them it was Jesus who had healed him … on the Sabbath … and told him to carry his mat … on the Sabbath.

Q: What do this man’s actions tell us about who he is and what he thinks of Jesus?

5 Replies to “Gratitude”

  1. While it may not be possible to know exactly what this man was thinking, it is telling that he went off to tell the Jewish leaders anything. He appears to be seeking their approval over Jesus’. He may be wanting to get on their good side. He does not appear thankful or contrite or desiring to know Jesus. This is a rather sad account. I find it amazing that our Lord still cared for this man and loved him enough to heal him. Jesus is good. That man – not so much. It is a great reminder to seek Jesus and to be thankful for His many blessings.

  2. Boy, this is one that brings a ton of questions to my mind, and I can’t be brief, so please be patient as I rattle on.

    1.) Does God offer selective, conditional healing, like a lottery system, based on how fast a person responds or universal healing based upon the condition of ones heart?
    The pool of Bethesda was a well-known with a reputation for conditional healing. It is located within sight of the Temple of worship of the one true God, and used as an alternative to humble worship and sacrifice to God. Bethesda is a place to receive blessings based on your own works. BE THE FIRST ONE INTO THE POOL AFTER THE ANGEL LEAVES.

    2.) Does God reuse sites of previous pagan worship for His purposes or destroy them? ( I know Jesus went in and healed a man, but would this have been a place God would have used to heal before Jesus walked in? Wouldn’t He have been authenticating the God of healing – Asclepius? )
    At one time it was regarded as a sacred site by pagans and dedicated to their God of healing – Asclepius. It may have been a pool fed by a thermal spring which periodically bubbled up disturbing the surface of the water. Some Jews attributed the up welling to an angel. Could it have been an angel of satan remaining in the pagan site of worship?

    Attributing healing to an angel sent from God seems contrary to the any teachings I can recall in our Bible. In fact I am not certain V-4 is stating a truth of God, or is a continuation of his commentary of the story held to be true by the sick around the well. ( I know angels were sent to minister to Jesus after satan’s temptations, and Elijah after he ran from Jezebel, but these events are written in a way there is no misunderstanding. )
    As I read the bible I see encounters where angels are being used as messengers for God or performing specific tasks which Glorify God, but their independently healing people just does not fit any of the truths I understand about God or His Word. In fact misunderstanding this story could lead lots of people into angel worship.

    I believe we have a man who has for 38 years been seeking to make himself well, whole using his own power, a man who had blinded himself to the truth, he would never achieve his goal because he was incapable of getting into the water, and refused to humble himself before God and ask for help. Much like the lame and blind around us today.
    He obeyed Jesus, who speaks with authority, without question and was healed. He did not say he was healed at the pool, did not give credit to an angel, but called Jesus by name as the one who had healed him. Gave the glory to God.

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