
John 5: 16

“So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him.”

If you have been wondering why Jesus chose to heal this particular seemingly ungrateful man, so have I. In this verse, John shows us the result of Jesus’ actions.

In mystery stories the detective often has to deduce the motive from the result of the action. For example, one fictional detective was confronted with three seemingly unrelated murders. However, when the murders were analyzed, the detective was able to deduce that one was real and the other two murders were just red herrings. Having cleared away the confusion the perpetrators were soon brought to justice.

So what was the real motive for Jesus healing this man? Was it in answer to his plea for help? No. The man didn’t ask for help and didn’t sound like he really wanted any. Was it to bring him to faith in God? Well, we don’t see that happening, either. Was it to help nudge the Jewish leaders into confronting their faith in the laws of man rather than the law of God?

Q: What do you think was Jesus’ reason for healing this man knowing that he must have known what the outcome would be?

9 Replies to “Motive”

  1. Glorify God by demonstrating the power of His words, and identify Himself as the Son of God, as He taught the Jews the proper meaning of keeping the Sabbath Holy.

  2. I agree with Ron’s response. Certainly people saw the healing power of God – even those who denied Him. And certainly the Jewish leader’s incorrect view of the Sabbath was challenged for their sake and the sake of others who witnessed these events. And of course, God’s compassion is in this as well. I believe Jesus showed compassion on this man just as He shows compassion on all. He did even wash Judas’s feet. He is amazing in His consistency and love.

    1. I did not intend to be “anonymous.” I appreciate us getting to know each other through this venue.

  3. I think the point is that we can receive God’s blessings, and still fail at bringing Him honor and glory. We shouldn’t neglect to seek God and to give Him the praise He deserves.

  4. Jesus has a way of teaching His disciples, we know they too will be persecuted for their testimonies about Christ,..Jesus was probably just stirring the pot sort of speak,..His disciples needed to learn persecution,..just as we too need to learn His style of being persecuted. Such a mean and nasty word but such a necessary one,..I think we have it easy here in America, is all the other countries that don’t accept Christ that are persecuting the people in the countries that do,..and now even here in America after our fore fathers fought and bled to build this country on the principles right out of the Holy Bible we have gotten so for away in many ways that we now are being persecuted in churches, schools and even right out in the street. Jesus was sooo very bold in not just His teaching but His love for who He truly is,..God in the flesh.

  5. Great stuff guy’s, I really appreciate the messages delivered through each of you.
    Thank you Jeff for allowing God to work through you as you keep this going!
    In Christ,

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