Thinking About Jesus

John 5: 22

” Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son…” 

In this verse, Jesus is defending himself against the persecution of the Jewish leaders. Verse 18 says Jesus ticked them off by making himself equal with God. Apparently making himself equal with God wasn’t enough. Jesus had to go and take his case one step farther.

The power of God is found not only in his ability to create and sustain creation but also in the threat of judgment. 

Years ago, when I was just a child I remember a friend of my dad’s telling me something that has stuck with me all my life. We were listening to the news on the radio and the announcer had just informed us that somebody convicted of murder had been put to death. (Back then I think they were still using the electric chair.) His comment was that the threat of judgment and conviction had kept him from killing people before. I guess he must have been kind of a brawler in those days.

I mention this because there is a persuasive power in punishing the guilty. The ability to judge and punish is both an awesome responsibility and an incredible threat to the guilty.

Q: How does the fact that Jesus has been entrusted with all judgment affect how you think about him?

2 Replies to “Thinking About Jesus”

  1. ” Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son…” 
    Q: How does the fact that Jesus has been entrusted with all judgment affect how you think about him?

    Great topic: God does not judge anyone, man judges himself. Those who stand before our Holy and Righteous God, with full knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, will have their minds and hearts fully exposed, and will for the first time be forced to accept exactly what they are, exactly what they have done, and be given what they have chosen. Those who have chosen to be separated will receive eternal separation.
    Judgement will be based on one fact only, did you accept Christ? Judgment is entrusted to the Son meaning how did we respond to all He has done.

  2. There are several meanings for the word “judge.” We make “judgments” all of the time about things we like and things we don’t like. Bosses “judge” the quality of our work at the office or on the job. The kind of judgment Jesus is talking about is more like the judgment exercised by a judge in a court of law.
    I think Ron’s comment is quite accurate. (We will talk more about this in the coming days.) It is amazing that our Creator would send his Son to pay for our sins, and then give Him complete rein to accept anyone he wants to be with him in Heaven.

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