To Honor Jesus

John 5: 23

” …that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.”

Today Jesus continues the thought we started yesterday: “… the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son…”  In today’s verse, Jesus gives us the reason God has entrusted him with all judgment. It is God’s intention that the Son should be honored just as the Father is. 

Q: What are some ways we can honor Jesus?

7 Replies to “To Honor Jesus”

  1. Accept His sacrifice for our sins and die to ourselves so He may be seen by others.

    1. Thanks Ron.
      Well said but hard to do. “To die to ourselves” is a way of saying that when I make a choice that involves doing something I am not basing my decision on how I feel or what I want at that moment but rather the answer to the question, “What will honor my Lord?” It takes the art of putting someone else first to a different level.

  2. Tell others about Him and what He did at the cross and why He did it,..shining the light He gave me before others that they may see and praise God,..correctly explaining the Word of truth,..doing the best I can to live this life He gave me for Him,…meditating on His law day and night,..being a tree next to the water that never withers and produces fruit,..being still and knowing that He is God,..being thankful in all circumstances,..encouraging others with His words,..

    Just some random thoughts that came to mind and heart,..

  3. All great stuff. I would add glorify him in everything that we do. And to give him the glory he deserves. Nothing I have that is good is mine it never was I’m just a happy servant.

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