The Other Side

John 5: 24

” Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.”

If you are following along in your Bible as we do this study, I strongly recommend underlining this verse and then putting at least five stars next to it in the margin. What an amazing statement! 

If the Jewish leaders had had any doubts about who Jesus claimed to be, if it wasn’t enough for Jesus to claim that he did only what he saw the Father doing, and then to claim that he could give life to whom he pleased, and on top of all that to claim that God had entrusted all judgment to the Son; if all that wasn’t enough Jesus adds this incredible statement:

“… whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.”

When Jesus says the believer “…will not be judged…” he is speaking future tense; about something that is in the future. When he says the believer “…has crossed over from death to life.”  he speaks in the present tense indicating something that happens concurrently with the act of believing.

Q: As believers, what does it mean that we have crossed from death to life?

3 Replies to “The Other Side”

  1. The moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord. Our spirits which are dead to God, receive eternal life with Christ. The thief on the cross ” This day you will be with me in paradise. “

  2. I have told others that there is no death in life with Christ,..because with Christ all there is, life,..because after this life I get to live forever with Christ,..I was dead to my sin,..Christ made me alive,..I now know what sin looks like and work very hard at staying away from those temptations that caused me to sin, with Christ sin is dead in my life,..and I have been made alive in Christ here now and forever more, awesome is that?

  3. I like Ron’s answer that are Spirit is made alive eternally because of Jesus Christ.

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