
John 5: 30

“ By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.”

Yesterday we looked at the first six words of this verse. Today we will let Jesus finish what he was saying. 🙂 Contextually, he is continuing his defense before the Jewish leaders. Technically he is explaining the answer to yesterday’s question, “What is needed for Jesus to be able to do anything?” The ability, the power to do anything; the wisdom to judge justly, all comes from seeking to please God the Father. 

From this one might conclude that seeking to please God unleashes incredible powers. Personally, I think that this is correct. Jesus says, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:14) Yet the key is to seek to please the one who sent Jesus.

Q: How does your motivation for asking for something affect the response God gives you?

5 Replies to “Asking”

  1. Jesus has the power to do anything, but He doesn’t do anything outside the will of God. He was tempted by Satan to go outside the will of God, but He was not misled.

    When I ask God for something, I try to be guided by the Word of God. And if He isn’t giving me my request, I try to “step back” and see the bigger picture of what God is doing.

    I’m sure if I answered the question…happy Saturday morning!

  2. It doesn’t,..just because I don’t see it doesn’t mean that it is not there,..I may have missed the answer or I wasn’t looking to hard for the answer I was just asking,..God has already answered me even before I asked,..He knew what I was going to ask for and when I was going to ask for what I am asking for,..just as He knew that Judas Iscariot would betray Him long before Judas was ever on the scene,..God knows my heart as long as I ask in the line of His will it seems like things happen a lot faster than not,..when I ask out of my own fleshly desire to acquire material possessions then the wait is on,..the stumbling occurs,..and the whole process seems to begin all over again,..why haven’t I learned,..oh yeah,..I’m human. God receives the glory not me,…I praise Him when I find the answer and I praise while I am seeking,..I am not saying that I don’t cry and whine like a baby sometimes because I do,..and He just reminds me that He is my Creator and what He say’s goes, I need to just continue to abide in His love for me and have the faith to know that He will provide for and supply not only all my needs but the desires of my heart too, long as He is my first desire and I seek His kingdom first then all else really just falls in to place,..and that is not just for me,..

  3. Matthew 6:33, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, ” and His Righteousness “, and all these things shall be added unto you. We know God would never tempt us, so He would never give us anything that could lead us into sin.
    On the other end, if we seek His Kingdom and Righteousness first, we will be given all our hearts desire. ” A wonderful loving relationship with our creator God”.
    Leaving for a week tomorrow morning guy’s, may not have WiFi where we’re going, but will be happy to join you all When wife and I return.

    God Bless you All,

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