Testimony (III)

John 5: 31b -37a

” ‘There is another who testifies in my favor, and I know that his testimony about me is true.

‘You have sent to John and he has testified to the truth.  Not that I accept human testimony; but I mention it that you may be saved.  John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.  

“I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing—testify that the Father has sent me.  And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me.’ ”

We are going to spend a few days looking at these verses because they are so rich in detail about our Lord. If you want to review the prior discussion on these verses see Testimony (I) and Testimony (II).

Today, let’s look at Jesus’ claims about himself again:

Claim No. 1: Jesus only does what he “sees” his Father doing which includes working on the Sabbath.

Claim No. 2: Jesus has the power to give life to whom he is pleased to give it. (Just like God.)

Claim No. 3: Jesus has been entrusted with all judgment.

Claim No. 4: Honoring Jesus is the same as honoring God the Father.

Claim No. 5: Believing in Jesus and the Father is necessary to avoid Judgment and gaining life.

Claim No. 6: The dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.

Jesus says that his first witness is John the Baptist, and tells us that what he said was true.

Q: Which claims that Jesus makes are supported by John’s testimony? (See John 1: 29-34)

2 Replies to “Testimony (III)”

  1. 1. These were the learned teachers. They knew the Lord said “REMEMBER THE SABBATH AND KEEP IT HOLY.” They expanded on Gods command, Jesus lived it.
    2. I could be wrong, but based upon what God has taught me about the Old Testament, Jesus and 2 thru 6 were be being supported by John’s testimony.Let me know what you guy’s think.

  2. Ron,
    I agree. Any reference to the Messiah or “Chosen One” as the NIV text says carries with it the weight of all Biblical history. John’s testimony would seem to attest to all of these claims indirectly.
    One of the complications here is that God’s view is not man’s view. The Jewish leaders may have been looking for an earthbound messiah who would share their quest for earthly power and control. God’s view is much different, because he looks forward to a new heaven and a new earth and the salvation of all who will believe in his Son. This would make Jesus’ claims all the more difficult for them to accept, let alone understand.

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