Going on Offense (I)

John 5: 37b-38

” You have never heard his voice nor seen his form, nor does his word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he sent.”

Up to this point, Jesus has healed a man on the Sabbath and been persecuted for doing so by the Jewish leaders. One has to wonder how things might have been different if Jesus had not done any miracles on the Sabbath! Would the Jewish leaders have ignored him, or would they have eventually gotten around to confronting him anyway? But that is not our question today…

In today’s verse, Jesus shifts from defending his actions to attacking the credibility of his accusers. Remember that among his six claims No. 3 was the claim that he has been entrusted with all judgment. So here we see the tables being turned on the Jewish leaders. They are standing in judgment of Jesus because he has dared to heal someone on the Sabbath, breaking not God’s law but man’s law. Suddenly they are confronted by the possibility that they are the ones being judged, not Jesus.

Q: Assuming that the generic, “Jewish leaders” John refers to includes Priests, Pharisees, and Teachers of the Law, what does Jesus’ statement in today’s verse mean?

2 Replies to “Going on Offense (I)”

  1. I think Jesus is pointing to the fact that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11: 6). Faith in Jesus and applying His righteousness rather than relying on or own is essential. The religious leaders may know God’s word from a textbook standpoint, but His word does not dwell in them because they have not responded to the truth of His word that points to Jesus.

  2. Great, look at the difference between these men and John the baptist. John lived his life, in humble obedience studying and proclaiming God’s will over his own. To the day he died!
    These men in their pride, profess to be learned authorities regarding Gods will for all mankind, and in their deeds ignore God’s will choosing to teach/enforce their will upon men, to degrade God’s teachings and elevate their teachings, positions of authority over His.

    They live following their desires of the flesh, ignoring the truth as they make up and proclaim their own. They condemn themselves as they choose to live their man made truths over God’s truths.
    John 5:45-47 Jesus speaks of the teachings of Moses. Moses chosen by God to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses who met with God, spoke with God, brought God’s commandments down from the mountain top and delivered them to His people.

    John 5:45-47, Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”
    Look at a portion of Psalm 119 below. These are the qualities God favors and blesses. The men Jesus is speaking to, display none of these.
    Psalm 119:1-11, How blessed and favored by God are:
    Those whose way is blameless.
    Who walk in the law of the Lord.
    Who keep His testimonies,

    Who seek Him
    Long for Him with all their heart.
    Do no unrighteousness;

    Walk in His ways.
    Ordained Your precepts,

    That we should follow them with diligence.
    That my ways may be established

    Observe and keep Your statutes
    I will not be ashamed
 When I look to all Your commandments.
    I will give thanks to You with an upright heart,
 When I learn Your righteous judgments.
    I shall keep Your statutes

    Watch according to Your word.

    With all my heart I have sought You, 

    Do not let me wander from Your commandments.

    Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart,

    That I may not sin against You.

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