Time Out

John 6: 3

” Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples.”

I don’t know about you, but my world is rather busy. I think most people find themselves busy at some point. There is work to be done, shopping for food, cars to take care of, people to visit, things to see and do. Life is not boring in this wonderful age we live in, but it can be distracting.

In contrast, Jesus seems to me to be a master of staying focused on his Father’s will. Where we would be listening to the radio, checking our phones for messages, watching a bit of TV, or engaging in any of dozen’s of forms of social media, Jesus goes up on a mountainside and sits down. His disciples follow and do the same thing.

There they are. Sitting. Somewhere a great crowd of people are following them because of the healings Jesus had been performing. Time passes. They sit. On a mountainside.

Q: Have you ever stopped what you are doing and just sat down with Jesus and just sat? What was it like?

3 Replies to “Time Out”

  1. Yes. Refreshing! I sin by not doing this more often. I have taken personal retreats with just me and Jesus, some of my best memories with my Lord – and peaceful. Psalm 46: 10: “Be still and know that I am God.” Jeremiah 33: 3: “Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Matthew 11: 28: “Come to Me all you who are weary and tired.” Like Mary, we need to sit at the feet of Jesus. Lord, help me to sit.

  2. There are s many many ways we can enjoy the peace and contentment which comes from being with our Lord. Bible study, thoughtfully reciting the 23rd Psalm as I quietly retire for the evening, walking with God having perfect clarity of thought in the midst of a confused crowd preoccupied with things of this world.
    Recently my wife and I spent a week in beautiful eastern Oregon visiting National Parks. We always marvel at the power and imagination of our God who has created such a beautiful world with what seems like an endless variety of everything. We had climbed the obsidian flow ( several hundred feet ) outside Paulina lake, and were with several couples at the upper viewpoint. We were all quietly admiring the beauty of the enormous lake, forest, gentle hills and valleys that stretched to the horizon. I turned to my wife and said ” this is what our God does for fun.”
    It was quiet, then I heard laughter, and confirmation from those around me as they said YES!
    I do love the freedom that comes with being a Christian, and am so very grateful the Holy Spirit gave me the faith to respond to His conviction, and turn from my sins to Jesus Christ who has given me life.

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