A Long Pause

John 6:4

” The Jewish Passover Festival was near.” 

Verse 3 follows Jesus and his disciples up the side of a mountain where they sit down. It is not hard to follow John’s train of thought as he remembers back to the day he is writing about. The sky is blue. Soft puffy clouds hang lazily above them. Perhaps there is a gentle breeze coming off of the Sea of Galilee below them. As the breeze passes, it stirs the grasses around them.

Ahhh… Then a long pause.

Then someone breaks the silence and says, “Huh. It is almost time for the Passover.”

Steeped in the traditions of their Jewish heritage, the disciples know Passover was always celebrated in the first month of the Hebrew calendar. (In our Gregorian calendar this falls in the springtime, March or April.) Sitting on the mountainside with nothing else to think of, the realization of what time of year it was comes to mind. Sort of like what you or I might say if we were sitting on the porch together…

Of course, it is possible that I am reading way too much into this verse! Maybe John just makes a note of the fact that the Passover was near so that we, the reader, know what time of year it was. But then again, maybe John is remembering how it was.

Q: Have you ever had a similar moment where you suddenly realized it was almost time for…?

3 Replies to “A Long Pause”

  1. The men’s retreat 🙂
    The fall schedule
    Yeah, things come by quickly. The Passover was a huge deal. It was like Christmas… that will come quickly too. The Passover also points to Jesus. I doubt it caught Him by surprise.

  2. Yep, BSF leaders meeting in the a.m., waitinging for haircut, getting all paperwork for guys done, everything is going wrong but morning will come and I will be ready.
    I’m excited about the new study and watching our Lord work in all our lives this year.

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