Testing … Testing… 1,2,3

John 6: 5-6

” When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?’ He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.”

On occasion, I have had the opportunity to help set up microphones for a sound system. At some point, when everything is switched on and the soundboard lights up, it is all ready to go. Except without someone saying something, there is nothing for the sound system to amplify. So we often defer to the old, “testing… testing … 1, 2, 3… testing” routine. It is called a “sound check” and it allows the person at the board to adjust volume, but more importantly it lets everyone know that the system is working. 

Spiritual realities appear to be closely related to physical realities. Like the sound system, there is only one way to see if a disciple has actually been paying attention: Testing… testing…

Jesus knows what he is going to do, but he wants Philip, and everyone else there, to know whether or not their spiritual sound systems are working. The testing is not so much for God’s benefit as it is for our own. It helps us see where we are in our spiritual walk and points the way to what we need to do.

Q: Can you share an example of how Jesus tests people today?

6 Replies to “Testing … Testing… 1,2,3”

  1. Interesting Jeff. I am very, very often telling my family, and close friends ” it’s all a test “, and I truly believe we are left on this earth to glorify God who will often test us with praise from men, by allowing discouraging or negative circumstances to come into our lives, divisive situations, etc.. Always for our good, our growth.
    For my wife last birthday we went on a trip and on her birthday, everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. It began with a destroyed battery in our tow car, ( totally discharged by wiring issue in RV $265.00 ) and ended when we arrived back at the RV after dinner to find I did not have the keys. We were able to get an 24 hour locksmith to come out, and $125.00 later, i checked my cargo pocket and found the keys. That’s about when we caught on, we realized we were being tested and we started laughing. We asked each other what does God have planned next? ANNND, the rest of the week went very well.
    Not to over simplify things, but once our salvation is secured through Christ, I can only see two major reasons we are left on this earth. To grow in Christ and to minister to others. Glorify God in all things.

  2. I wonder if He tests us when we lose our loved ones,..do we hold onto them or let go,..are we selfish or grateful? When we lost our daughter to the Sandy River in 1996,..I believe it was a test,..do we curse God or cry out to Him? To be honest I think we did a little of both but more in the crying out to Him department,..that was when He led me to a verse in the Bible where it says,..in all circumstances we are to be thankful,..that one brought me to my knees in tears,..if I remember correctly that’s when the Holy Spirit spoke through me,..because as I was on my knees in tears I was speaking in some language I didn’t or couldn’t understand,..oh but the test continues daily,..do we pick up the cross or leave it beside the bed when we leave the house,..do we speak when the Holy Spirit leads us to the opportunity or do we look the other way and walk on by,..do we use the gifts He has given us or do we leave them on the shelf after we have received them,..yep the test continues,..keep smiling,..see you Monday?

  3. Hey John, I know what you mean. Our Lord took my son in 2016. He brought several scriptures to my mind as I wrestled with the loss and why of His decision.
    Then God asked me, “ Am I Sovereign? “ There is only one answer and I said yes!
    Then God asked “ full time or part time? “
    That was the end. I miss Michael, but like you, I do not question Gods will.
    Looking forward to seeing you Monday night, this will be a great year.
    Blessings Brother!

  4. Brothers,
    Thank you for sharing about your losses. Not all of us have had to go through such a test. My heart breaks for both of you while at the same time bursting with pride at your faithfulness and courage.

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