
John 6: 10-11

” Jesus said, ‘Have the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.”

There is a kind of gracefulness in the way Jesus handles this situation. First, he gives the disciples something to do: “Have the people sit down.” This sounds simple as John tells the story, but imagine the logistics of trying to carry this instruction out. What would you do? Would you stand on a rock and yell at the people? Would you go out among them and say, “The Master says to sit down.”? Would you come up with another option? And how long would all of this take? Did the five thousand people arrive all at once? Had they been standing around for a while? Were they still a ways off when Jesus gave his instruction? 

Then, at some point, Jesus takes the loaves and gives thanks. By this time I am imagining that all of the people are seated and all attention is on Jesus. After all, the people have come to see Him. Perhaps there are sick people among them? Are they there to hear Jesus speak? Did anyone expect to be fed?

Jesus gives thanks. Then he starts passing out the food. And he passes out more food, and more, and then more. Eventually, over five thousand people have been fed and have eaten not just a “bite” as Philip and imagined, or as much as they might have needed (as some might say who like to tell us how much we should eat) but as much as they wanted.

Q: What do you think this simple act of feeding so many people so much tells us about our God?

5 Replies to “Feast”

  1. Great story. First to the credit of the disciples, they saw a very real problem coming and went to Jesus for help. Jesus asks His disciples a couple questions which lead them to the conclusion, this is beyond our power to resolve. Very important point.
    Then rather than discuss their crisis and possible alternatives, Jesus takes control of His disciples. First let’s stop asking questions and get to work. Divide the disciples, assign them tasks, spread them out among the people and get this organized.
    This ratchets down the panic, gets everyone involved in helping to resolve this situation, and gives Jesus time to quietly pray to His Father without interruption.
    At the perfect time, Jesus takes control of the resources God has provided for Him t work with, and in view of everyone shows How our God will do the impossible for His faithful.
    What a wonderful lesson in crowd control as well as acting on our faith that God will provide.

  2. He is lavish in what He provides for people. He always has been. The depths of which are displayed through the cross.

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