
John 6: 10-11 (Yes, again!)

” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there).  Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.”

At last we come to the point in our story where we see the power of God! Jesus takes the loaves and fishes, and there is a blinding flash, and smoke billows up like a volcano and the ground shakes and everyone is knocked to the ground. When they sit back up the smoke is clearing, and as it clears they see a mountain of perfectly barbecued fish surrounded by baskets and baskets of French pastry. Jesus stands to the side of the mountain of fish, a slight glow emanating from his hands and head, and he yells out, “Come and get it!” 

Wait… you mean it didn’t happen like that? He did what? He just gave thanks and then handed out enough food to feed over 5,000 people? That’s all?!

Sometimes our expectations of what God should be and do don’t match up with reality. Our God is generally patient, quiet, unassuming, and humble. Miracles like this one are not an opportunity to show off, but an opportunity to serve.

Q: How does God do miracles today?

6 Replies to “Miracle”

  1. In some cases God will act on His own, in others He will use believers who allow Jesus Christ to manifest Himself through us.
    Gives eternal life to the dead, the blind are given sight to see good and evil, the deaf hear the Holy Spirit, lame walk with God, demons are being cast out, satans grip is being made powerless.
    God is providing for and healing His people today just as he has since creation. We need only have faith and He is Faithful, Abraham had faith in Gods promise, we have faith in His promise through Christ.

  2. I think part of our problem with understanding miracles is that we label things as being “scientific” to attempt to explain things.

    The birth of a child can be seen as a miracle, or as medical science process. The hand of God is missed in the world of science because the Master Scientist is ignored.

  3. Agree Robster, the birth of a child is a miracle. Without God, their would be no conception.

  4. My observation has been that God seems to often take a more subtle approach to miracles in scripture and today. There are times like with the Exodus and with Jesus where the miracles are stunning (crossing of the sea, pillar of fire/cloud, water from the rock, Lazarus, casting out demons, dramatic healing), but He often does things with little to no fanfare – Jesus often downplays the excitement over his miracles… so why?

    This last Sunday I taught in Children’s Church on Exodus 17 where God provides water from the rock. The thing that struck me was how the Israelites responded to their need for water RIGHT AFTER seeing 10 plagues, the crossing of the Sea, following the pillar of cloud/fire, and God’s provision of mana/quail… They had every reason and evidence to SEE that God would provide for them, but they complained and threatened to KILL Moses… to KILL MOSES!!!

    Jesus highlights this human failing in his own ministry – we are too stubborn to believe even when we SEE the miraculous work of God. Instead he focuses on those who believe by faith – those who believe regardless of the fanfare or popularity. I think God’s miracles are often meant for this group, for those who will appreciate them , believe, and truly worship Him.

    Just some thoughts : )

  5. Great answers, all! Thank you!! As I wrote today’s post, I was struck by the humility of our Lord as he fed the 5,000. Such a quiet miracle. Such a humble man. I think that today, when God does miracles, he does it in much the same way, quietly and with humility, through people like all of you.

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