King Jesus

John 6: 15

“Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.”

I am just guessing but I bet knowing everything could be a good thing. I suspect that it has its down side, too. I mean who wants to know every selfish or evil thing the person sitting next to you is thinking? Sometimes it is all I can do to sit and listen to someone on TV talking, especially on those shows where three or four people are all talking about something all at once. Oy! So imagine knowing the thoughts of thousands of people all at once!

In today’s passage, Jesus knows what the crowd is thinking. (Now I understand that some might want to assume Jesus doesn’t really know what people are thinking, but instead has deduced what they are thinking. However I personally see far too many examples in scripture of Jesus actually knowing a person’s heart and thoughts to consider not taking this statement literally.) It is not hard to figure out why the crowd might be thinking Jesus would make a good king. In fact, he already is one. But the crowd’s idea of Jesus as King is very different from God’s idea of what he wants for his Son.

Q: If you had been in the crowd that day, what are some reasons that you might have wanted Jesus to be your king?

7 Replies to “King Jesus”

  1. The list is way too long to complete, unending… Every leadership characteristic you look for in a captain of your football team, CEO, King, President, etc., leading is embodied in Christ Jesus – starting with putting others before themselves (i.e. dying on the cross for all sin’s for eternity)

  2. If I were in the crowd that day I would have wanted Jesus to be king because I want the blessings of the Kingdom that was promised by the prophets – spiritual restoration, overall prosperity, freedom from Rome, and having a king who was worthy to be followed. These are in many ways the same reason I desire for the king to return. I don’t know when that will happen and expect that I don’t really get what that will really look like, but I believe and long for that day.

  3. Human nature is human nature, and we are freed from the curse when we repent and turn from our past. Christ is my King and has blessed me by allowing me to serve Him and be a responsible contributing member of the society I live in. Helping and giving rather than taking all I can.
    None of us had any idea of who Jesus Christ really is until the Holy Spirit revealed Him to us. Nobody in this crowd had any idea they were being provided for by God Himself.
    Had I been in this crowd, I would have probably known of past miracles as well as enjoyed a great free meal ( more food than I could eat. ) Being an unrepentant broken human I probably would have wanted the free health care, free food, housing and freedom from those pesky guy’s at the temple with all their out of date rules of morality.

  4. Obviously Jesus is gentle and humble in heart (Matthew 11: 29). Thus, He is different and attractive as a King. He is both good and powerful. He can accomplish what other kings can not. Of course, if we were to ask the question for today, we would need look no further than His hands, feet and side.

  5. I would want to make Jesus King on earth then and now. He would reign in truth and justice. I wonder if we could truly handle it.

  6. If I was in the crowd I would probably be part of the crowd and go along with them,..they wanted to fill their bellies so I am no different,..I need my belly filled too,..they wanted more miracles and hey I wouldn’t of mind seeing a miracle or two then either, if you all are voting for this guy to be our new king then I am too,..I don’t want to get pushed outta the crowd,..however today’s a whole different story with the crowd,..I don’t want to get pushed into the crowd,..

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