Stormy Night

John 6: 18

” A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough.”

As we join the disciples today they are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee, rowing across what is a very large lake to Capernaum on the other side. It is night. Jesus has disappeared and they do not know where he has gone. As they row across the dark waters, the wind picks up and blows harder and harder. The waters grow rough. Now it is a dark and stormy night…

If you have ever been in a small open boat in rough water, you can probably relate to how the disciples were feeling at that moment. I am sure that the waters looked fine as they set out, but the storm had come up while they were on the water and now seemed to be blocking their way. The waves splashing into the boat, the driving rain, the wind, and the lurching of the boat up and down, side to side, all sent a message to the brain saying, “You’re sunk!” (This is where the saying comes from, ‘I have a sinking feeling.’)

Having left Jesus behind, they are now on their own, and they are in trouble. There is no Coast Guard to come and rescue them and no radio to call for help on. They are alone. All alone. And they are afraid.

Q: What comes to mind when God seems far off, you have done what you think best, and you find yourself in danger of something horrible happening?

2 Replies to “Stormy Night”

  1. Defiantly find a quiet place and call upon the Lord. Possibly seek the support of a brother also.

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