
John 6: 30

” So they asked him, ‘What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do?’” 

The crowds had seen Jesus heal the sick and feed thousands of people with little more than nothing. I, personally, would think that those “signs” qualify the person doing them as someone special. Clearly, those speaking for the crowd thought something more was in order. 

Q: What kind of a “sign” do you think the people in the crowd were looking for?

9 Replies to “Signs”

  1. I don’t know. They seem to again want Jesus to perform, but I’ve always wondered what they were specifically wanting to see. Maybe the difference is just in the attitude they came with since he had already showed how he fulfilled scripture and did many miracles. So I am not sure what they specifically wanted.

  2. I wonder if they were hoping that he would strike down their enemies, and begin a world dominating kingdom.

    Other than that… I got nothing

  3. I don’t know a good answer for that, but can make the observation that signs themselves likely don’t produce the faith that God is looking for…


    1. Brent,
      Great comment! Outward signs cannot produce inward faith. Can’t you hear the crowd, if Jesus had produced another sign, saying; “Okay, now do one more!” They remind me of my grandkids when I do something fun but exhausting like lifting them up into the air: “Do it again, Grandpa!”

  4. It seems like every time in Scripture that people demand an experience or sign that God is not pleased. Maybe it is because a sign is not really what would help – seeing as they had many signs and miracles performed on their behalf. The Israelites in the wilderness had seen incredible miracles in Egypt and had seen God’s presence through a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day – every day. Jesus had shown all sorts of signs. Let face it, even when God produces a miracle we will not be satisfied for long. Soon, we want another miracle. God is pleased by faith (Hebrews 11: 6). While that faith is not blind, neither is it fake. He wants a relationship with people and miracles in which God has to prove Himself over and over again are not conducive to a trust relationship.

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