
John 6: 33-34

‘“For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”  “Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.”’

If you wanted to teach a lesson to five thousand plus people, how would you do it? Let’s say you had modern big screen projectors, the best sound system in the world, and a laser light show and fireworks to get their attention. How would you get five thousand people to focus on what you wanted them to focus on? 

Jesus is amazing. Period! Without any of the advantages of modern mass communication, he did something that would be the envy of any preacher or college professor. He got them all thinking about one thing: bread. More than that, he managed to convince them that they all needed this bread. ‘“Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread!”’

Q: Thinking back over the past two days of this story, how did Jesus get everyone thinking about bread, and is there anything we can learn from what he did?

2 Replies to “Bread”

  1. … and Jesus took the bread and said this is my body, take and eat it in rememberence of me…

  2. I think we can pray for opportunity and be intentional about looking for ways to communicate gospel truth. Jesus is indeed the ultimate teacher in using objects around Him to demonstrate the truth of the gospel message.

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