
John 6:39

” And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.”

What would happen if Jesus were to lose one of the people God had given him? How would that work? Could Jesus still claim to be God or would he simply be some lucky fella picked to represent God on earth, or would he still be God’s son, only sort of a screw-up? 

God doesn’t make mistakes. The fact that sin came into the world is a feature, not a bug. Sin is inherently part of being a created being exercising free choice. And then there is the part about being “raise(d) up on the last day.”

Q: Why is it important to think beyond this life and beyond the “last day?”

3 Replies to “Beyond”

  1. Because this life is just the beginning before we experience the way things were really meant to be

  2. The Christian hope of being raised up at the last day is critical. As the Apostle Paul said, if only for this life we have hope than we are of all people most to be pitied (1 Corinthians 15: 19). As he argues, if we only have hope for this life then we are still in our sins, not forgiven and forever lost. Then even Christ has not been raised. Every hope does hinge on the resurrection. “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead” (1 Corinthians 15: 20). And so will we. This is pivotal to understand and believe (John 11: 24 – 26).

  3. Is it not written that Jesus will reign for a 1,000 years here in Earth in the millennial kingdom? That sounds like a great beginning to eternity

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