
John 6: 53

” Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”

Here Jesus expounds on the concept of life. Without Him in you, there is no life. How is that possible you ask? My heart beats! My lungs breath!! I can see, and speak and hear! Am I not alive?

While all of this is true, Jesus defines life differently. Life is more than being physically born. (See John 3: 1-21) The kind of life Jesus is talking about is more “real” in the same way the bread from heaven is “real” food while earthly bread is just… bread. You might say that what we experience in this life without God is a shadow of what real life is all about.

Q: How is “real” life with Jesus better than the kind of life we have without Him?

4 Replies to “Life”

  1. The life we have on earth is filled with sin, as opposed to life in Jesus is filled with love. It’s hard to describe….which makes me appreciate the scriptures that compare darkness and light. The difference is experienced by senses that are beyond words.

  2. Good response Robster. I agree. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14: 6) . In Him is life (John 1) and in Him is eternal life (1 John 5: 11 – 13). Life without Him is just a sin-filled mess. I am thankful for life in Jesus today.

  3. I agree with Rob, this life is broken by sin and it’s end is death. Life in Christ is filled with love and hope toward a future apart from sin. I also like the contrast scripture draws between the life of sin and the life in Christ. The Two Ways: The way of Sin, Death, and Darkness Vs. The way of Life, Light, and Righteousness. (Props to Robster as I’m pretty much just copying him).

  4. Good comments all! Isn’t it interesting that we can experience the “real life” even while we are still here in the old world?

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