No Waffles

John 6: 54b

” … and I will raise them up at the last day. “

I continue to marvel at how much information is packed into the words that Jesus said while here on earth. The first half of John 6: 54 foreshadows the elements of communion; the bread and the wine. The second half is a much different kind of statement. Jesus transitions from the metaphorical to the literal. He also speaks in an uncharacteristically direct way.

Jesus says, “…and I will raise them up…”

No waffling here about who will be raising up the dead. Usually, it seems that we hear Jesus deferring to the Father or speaking deferentially about himself in metaphors or in the third person. Here he states unequivocally that “I” will raise them up.

Q: Who do you have to go to if you want to be raised up from the dead?

3 Replies to “No Waffles”

  1. Jesus raised Lazarus, He raised Jairus’s daughter, He raised the widow of Nain’s son and He was raised. He will raise us up too.

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