
John 6: 55-58a

” For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. “

Once again, just to be very clear, Jesus repeats himself:

Real food = Jesus flesh and blood

“Eating” and “drinking” Jesus flesh and blood in a metaphorical sense means Jesus is in you and you are in him.

Jesus true life comes from the Father, and the person who is one with Jesus will also receive life.

All of this is the bread that came from heaven.

Any questions?

Well yes, one:

Q: How would you explain this in today’s terms so that somebody could understand it?

2 Replies to “Repetition”

  1. It is an interesting question, because it appears they did not understand Jesus back then either. I think one reason for that is because their eyes were not opened to who Jesus is. A good starting point is Jesus and who He is. If people correctly identify Jesus then understanding our need for Him to be abiding in us and us in Him will make more sense. Focusing on Jesus is always a good decision.

  2. I wouldn’t change the explanation, but expand upon it. Jesus even clarifies what he is meaning with the discussion of the Spirit and a Jewish audience should easily pick up on the mana contrast. I think the reason they didn’t understand was their personal expectations of the messiah and a lack of belief.

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