
John 7: 10

” However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also, not publicly, but in secret. ”

This passage is an interesting example of why we need to be careful about how we approach the Biblical texts. What I mean is that approaching the Bible with a casual reading can be a recipe for misunderstanding and wrong conclusions. 

In John 7: 8 Jesus says, “I am not going up to this festival…” and then two verses later we read that Jesus, “… left for the festival…” What is going on? The casual observer might say that Jesus wasn’t being honest when he said he was not going up to the festival, but we need to remember that for Jesus to be Jesus he can’t lie. (Isaiah 53:9) So what is going on?

Sometimes when I have been pushed into a corner by people who are trying to manipulate me one way or another (salesmen and phone solicitors come to mind…) I have answered very carefully and parsed my words in such a way as to hide my real intent. I want to be careful not to lie, but I also want to give an answer that doesn’t commit me to something I do not want to do.

Q: It is possible that Jesus did not want his brothers to know that he was going to the festival. Why?

4 Replies to “Why?”

  1. V-1, After this, Jesus walked [from place to place] in Galilee, for He would not walk in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill Him.
    1.) Jesus has determined to not go to Judea did not want to do miracles there, because the Jews sought to kill him.

    V-3  “Leave here and go to Judea, so that Your disciples [there] may also see the works that You do. V-4 No one does anything in secret when he wants to be known publicly. If You [must] do these things, show Yourself openly to the world and make Yourself known!”
    V-5 For not even His brothers believed in Him.
    2.) His brothers, who did not believe in Him, were egging Him on, ” If You are really sent from God, prove it at the festival so all will believe in you, you will be a big man.

    V-8 Go ye up unto this feast: I go “not up yet unto” this feast: for my time is not yet full come. ( King James N.T., 1598-1611 )
    V-8 Go up to the feast yourselves. I am not going up to this feast because My time has not yet fully come.” ( NIV 1978- 1998 )

    ****3.) Two points. (1) they are tempting Jesus to be their performing monkey, do their tricks. (2) The NIV leaves out 4 important words.
    I believe the subject of this exchange is not whether or not Jesus is going to the feast, but what he was going to do when He got there. Jesus is not saying He will not go, He is saying it is not time to do what they suggested. He did as we see go, and teach, but He did so separately and did not perform any miracles.

  2. I agree with Felix. But I think the best part are always the fellowship that happens. In times like these encouragement in the faith is much needed.

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